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Power On Problems

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I am using the latest BETA bios for this mobo. Date: 2005/12/19-"NF3UDC19".


Perhaps I should go back to a slightly earlier BETA bios as there are 3 for this board.


Just wondering if you ever tried 705 or 711 offical BIOS. At one time I had a 3200 in my nF3 UltraD with C19 and had a heck of a time with it. My Sandy 3700 and Opteron 146 however were fine with C19.


Just a thought but you might want to try one of the official BIOS, do a proper CMOS clear and see if things improve for ya.

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I agree with Adreno about trying a bios like 7/11. I've used that since the go-get with no problems


I'm getting excellent results from the Hiper 580. Not up to full SLi and a hefty overclock so they say, but definitely enough for my purposes.



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Hey all


Yes, I've tried many combos of RAM sticks in various slots. Only way it boots from cold is if there is no RAM. This is why I think it's a RAM thing. I tried upping and downing the VDIMM, but no luck.


I was using the 7/11 BIOS but no luck there, which is why I got desperate and went to BETA. I think I will try the bios prior to the latest beta.


I also don't think it is the PSU, but will try another one of the same type anyway.


Also, i tried the power button on the MOBO istself but yields the same results.



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I tried a different PSU, an older one rated at 400W. It would power on normally after a shutdown, but the board would not post.


I also tried 2 different video cards, but no luck there either.


I tried 1 stick of RAM in the second to the top slot to run it in single channel mode, no luck.


I flashed back to the previous BETA BIOS, no luck.


Does anyone think flashing back to the 7/11 with a CMOS clear would help? The one previous to 7/11 was causing blue screens and didn't work very well at all.


Crazy stuff.....

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