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Helping the newbie OC


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Hey All..


Well.. ill start by saying that im totaly new a this overcloking thing..


Just got my new ram for the reason of start some overcloking.. And btw just order the OCZ GameXStream 600w allsow..


I have been reading the DFI AMD oc guide in here but its really hard for a newbie as me to understand but im still trying..


In the section of finding my max in CPU/RAM i have done these steps..


CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio (CPU Multi) to default. Do NOT use the auto setting! Manually set it to whatever your default multi is ---- I have a 3500+ Venice so have set it to 11x


LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio (LDT Multi) to 2.5x or 3x. ----- Have set it to 2.5


LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio (Ram Ratio) to 100(Mhz)(1/02) ----- Have set it to what he sayed


CPU VID (Voltage Identification) Control (CPU Vcore) ---- Now this one i dont get.. I assume hes talking about CPU VID CONTROL and that i can MAX set to 1.550.. WHY is that?


i left the vcore at auto and tryed raising the HTT/FSB (i assume hes talking about FSB BUS Frequency) up to 220 and it wouldent even start windows up there


So now im here wondering how all you guys are getting 250+ on that one?


What am i doing wrong.. do i need to lower the CPU/FSP from 11x allready?


BTW. if anyone is really bored and are want to help me out over MSN your more then welcome.. (had to ask hehe)


Thx alot to u all for trying to help

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Be very very careful with vid voltages. I've seen too many processors cooked! Read up on vid voltages and get out the calculator for figurin' em' up.For what you are doing right now with those mems multi ect. You can stay pretty close to stock voltages. Try an multi of 4X on the htt-ldt fsb er whateverthat oughta' keep ya' outta' trouble.For awhile.. You might try lowering your cpu-fsb multi to 10X and slowly raising yer' fsb. Be careful with that vid!!!LOL (<-----Sorry seen it a few too many times)

Be careful go slow but don't be afraid of it. Do lotsa' testin'. You'll do ok.


Edit: PS I'll try to keep an eye on this thread see if I can help.


edit2: Yeah If read that post right you've got some readin' ahead of ya'. Easy does it..........

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ok i have been playing, reading, playing, reading and reading some more..


I got my system running with this.. add pic and cpuz log..


Is there anything else u whould try.. i dont think that the CPU is very high.. dont know if thats max..


Help me out plz :D

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That look ok but you really really shouldn't need that much vid. (I'm not much into readin' Hex dumps but there are poeple here who can.)

Have you tried lowering the cpu-multi and pushing up the fsb and testing with memtest to see where about with those setting's your memory will want to start producing errors? (Try to get the vid down). Don't go down all at once Just abit atta' time. Til' she has some trouble. Then back up a notch then test with prime95t to be sure.

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35c is fine. Excellent in fact... More voltage makes more heat,and heat causes errors. Cooler is allways better. Less volts less EM progression. Its allways best to balance the voltage for what you need for stability and for the mhz's you want. Myself I allways undervolt just abit for what I need for true stability. (10c cooler is worth 20-30mhz.) Have you tried puttin' the mems onna' divider then clockin' the fsb up yet? Or droppin' the cpu-multi and seein' how far the mems will go?


Edit: Lemme switch computers I'll throw some links at ya'.

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Overclocking is a black art and what'll werk for 1 person with the exact same gear won't allways work the same way on the next rig.There are rules of thumb that can be applied though. But heres a link of all diffrent kinds of 939 DFI's.

http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10195 I posted Ooops I posted that too soon I'll Have to Edit.


There's alot to an nf4. You have diffrent voltages that do diffrent things. Diffrent multis for diffrent busses. Then you have a memory divider. For when you hit the point that the memory won't go any further you can use a divider and run the mems slower than the fsb. Making the processor run still faster. Theres surely alot to it. Take yer' time. More Links and edit's comming.


Here's a good thread certainly point's ya' in the right direction.(You've probably seen it.) The stuff on the first page is of interest that's all the OCDB entries for 3ghz overclocks. Note all the diffrent memory types and diffrent settings required to make them pull the gear. Oh the link:


There's also also a superpi race in that thread it might help ya' some. The screen shots offer some info that might be of use to you.(Vid voltages dividers.ect)


Go slow and test as ya' go you'll do ok..

PS I strongly suspect that processor of yours can go alot further easy too.

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