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DFI Ultra-D Dead?

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Ok... Here i go...


I bought my Ultra-D 27/09-2005.


And she had been running flawlessly for the past couple months. Never had any of those weird problems that sometimes are described here.


Recently, 02/08/2006, i bought a X2 3800+ and replaced my 3500+.


Everything was going just fine... Despite my Windows installation was in need of a format!


I went away for a week. And when i left i turned of my computer in the most normal way there is. Start>Turn Off Computer>Turn Off


I turned of the PSU switch and unplugged the power cord from the outlet.


I came back yesterday, and has an addict the very first thing i did when i came home was plugging the power cord, turn on the psu switch and power up the pc.


To my surprise it had no reaction.


3 leds, chipset fan at full speed and nothing more, no boot screen, no beeps, nothing...


I then thought to myself... "Hey... It must be some stupid thing that a clear cmos will resolve".


I tried it (clearing cmos) and no go. So i tried even a longer one (overnight, +12h). For this clear cmos i unpluged everything from the mobo... Only things left were cpu and gfx.


No go also.


So, today, after lunch i took it of from the case and disassembled the rig.


Blew some air to clear some minor dust and reassembled everything back up. Tested both sticks in all different slots. No go. Also tested them in a friends computer and they are ok, and the friends ram in my mobo gives the same result!


Still no go.


Same 3 leds, same behaviour.


I guess this one has gone to meet the Creator, right?


I must note that i was running my rig completely at default settings!


I'm thinking in a RMA, however i've replaced the chipset's stock thermal compound for AS5, and now i have doubts if that doesnt void warranty...


Should i try an hotflash? Despite i have no one around here with a similar board (i'll have to rely in some good soul in some other national forums where i hang around...)


Any comments will be apreciatted!


I'm totally in the dark here...

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With motherboard out of case on insulated surface not outside of an antistatic bag, remove the video card and the memory with all the power connectors hooked as if you intended to boot up for real. Of course all of this is based on a sure knowledge the power supply is good. Then try to boot after a 30 mins cmos clear and make sure you have the onboard cpu speaker in the lower right corner of board jumper to BEEP and try to boot the board. If you get no BEEP >> rma the board. Simple enough test really.



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No, I don't think the thermal compound voids your warranty (I know replacing the chipset cooler entirely is legal under warranty). Things that void your warranty:


1. Beta bios's (which the 5/10-1 MIGHT be, I believe the offical release was a 5/10-2).


2. Modding your board (the main one I can think of is the SLI mod)


DFI has a very good warranty policy as far as I am concerned (considering they allow overclocking under the warranty). I would definatly try another PSU, though it is somewhat unlikely that you OCZ is bad (but anything is possible), before RMA'ing the board

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So, i've done what RGONE said.


What happened:


After that the board booted and gave me just one led.


As i though were better i installed one stick of ram and the gfx (didn't plugged the power cable to it).


The board booted again, gave me one led and an intermitent beep. I hooked up the screen and saw there was a message in red (just that in the screen, no welcome/post whatever screen) sayin that i didn't connect the power cord to the vga.


So i turned things of, plugged the cable, turned on and things went back to the same.


3 leds, no beeps, no reaction.


After i tried one thing, removing all the extra power cables including that one near the ATX cable (the one with four pins). Also with the memory and gfx removed! I tried to boot, no go. 4 leds. So i plugged the 4pin cable again. Now the board does what i first mentioned, boots up and gives me one led. The rest happens just like i described above.


I if repeat this step, i always get the same result.


3 leds, no boot, no beeps, nothing.

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Video card or power supply bad seems the symptoms...leaning more to the power supply...




All my friends only got AGP/300W systems.


I'm in real trouble to test those...


Testing the PSU with a DMM and all hardware plugged in even with this problem would be of any good?

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Don't ask me how, because i don't know the answer...


This morning, i woke up, got past the computer and turned it on... Just for the kicks...


Now, get surprised!, it booted!


Like it would do normally...


I didn't had a keyboard attached so, i turned it of, plugged the keyboard and turned it on again... And it failed to boot.


I thought to myself that the board was somehow faulty.


However i rebooted it once more, and it booted, went to bios and saved new settings...


Did a Clear Cmos and flashed a new bios (623-3).


Now it is working with no problem...



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Was it plugged in to a USB or PS/2 port? It's not the first time I've seen computers refusing to boot wiht one of the USB ports in use.


Or perhaps a corrupt BIOS, although unlikely. Just stick to the BIOS you have now.

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