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UT nf4 SLI-DR Expert and PSU

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I Finally received my MB,PSU and Memory and was ready to put it together to start it to make sure everything was ok...BUT after watching the setup video that angry games made I am stumpted. There isn't 4 power connections on this board only the 24 pin connection and a 8 pin connection that is beside the 24pin. Is that the only two I have on this nf4 SLI-DR Expert board? From what I see I have to use the 24pin and the 8pin plus there is a 4pin floppy connection for the SLI if used.

Plus do I still use the slot for the 1 stick of memory that is closest to the edge of the board? (It is a yellow slot) Once I get it powered up and get into the BIOS to change the things I have to change then what slots do I put my 2x1024 GB of G.Skill in? Do I put them in #1 and #3 because they are the yellow slots.

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Yes that is all the power connectors, you are right on track with the motherboard power connectors.


I put my ram in the orange slot furthest from the CPU to start with, and once you get it set up for two sticks, I'd place them in the two orange slots, as that is highly recommended. Good luck on the build.

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Ok thanks that is what I really needed to know. I have to wait for the evercool to get here then I'll put it in the system and really get started.

I'm going to use a raid0 array should I put them in #1 and #2 or are there certain ones I have to connect to for OCing?

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