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5/23 Bios for Windows x64??

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Hey, Angry whas up man-can I get a version of the 5/23 Bios for Windows XP x64??


While I am at it here is a problem from a previous thread I need anwering to about the CF 3200-DR: I know this board is having you hope for Calgon to take you away but I hope you have a solution for my issue before you go.:cool: :


Hey Angry, you know the thread" cfx3200DR help my chipset is overheating " Yeckel said h also has the same problem ( making at least three people in the thread including myself ) but he said that he put some aluminum tape over the vents that hang over the chipset from the x1000 series video cards and that brought his temps down into the 40's. Is this a good idea or would this just cause my video card overheating problems?


Also what was a problem only when my temps went 50+ is now always a problem I have been playing Oblivion and when I move around in the game somewhat excessively the game gets a little choppy this used to happen only at 50c and up but now it happens at any temp, I know in the thread you said the boards are made to withstand 80C to 90C but this is an issue as I am having this problem myself-do I have permanent damage on my board or is this a problem with my Bios and I need to upgrade to a more steady one then came with the board?


Please get back to me as soon as you can , thanks in advance :cool: .


This was a PM to Angry but his his message box was full:confused: .

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I think so. You do not have to download the Diamond Flash Image but you need to create a bootable diskette in My Computer, and then copy the files extracted from the zip to the diskette.



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I think so. You do not have to download the Diamond Flash Image but you need to create a bootable diskette in My Computer, and then copy the files extracted from the zip to the diskette.




Yeah and it would not let me do that with this Bios but the ones I got from the DFI driver site I can use.

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modivated go to planetamd64.com. then u can download x64winflash, works fine . microsoft website has a link for planet64 to.


also in ur first post u said about the choppy'ness at load. i had that prob on my lame butt asus -mvp480 & still get it on this board to, dosent matter what settings im using bios,shatalyst i mean catalyst;) . as soon as im on a ripping game and push it, it gets a little choppy?. the choppyness dosent correspond to low or a dip in frame rates eather. will do it if im in a rome t-war battle & i drag the view around and it still running as 50-75 fps. same in x3 reunion ,half-life 2 and h-l 2 episode one. makes it look like its gpu or ram .?

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