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Hiya guys/gals


quick thing hopefully a quick solve every time i boot up into windows it wants to do a check disk on drive d anyone know how to stop this. I have let it go thru and finish the check disk but it still does it at every restart

Edited by Notesinger

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Try going into properties on that drive then running check disk from the tools menu, then select automatically fix file system errors and scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. That way, if there is errors, itll fix them and not bug you again. If that doesnt work, i would get a hard drive diagnosis program and see what the health status of your dirve is.

Edited by andrusk

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for myself..i would just rename the chkdsk.exe file in c:\windows\system32 <--i think its here that should work..but if you need to run it again then you need to change it back of course

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Reboot with your XP CD, go into the Recovery Console. Logon with your administrator password into the Windows partition and run CHKDSK X: /P. X equals the drive letter that you are having problems with. If that does not help you..you have a corrupted partition that can only be fixed with formatting.

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