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quick overclocking question

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hey guys


while im no stranger to overclocking i'm pretty new to doing it on the dfi boards and in the light of this particular thread the nf3 ut 250gb.


i have a pretty stable clock going at 2.5 ghz, i can def push this thing farther but i left it here for all intents and purposes, got a few hours of prime in without errors (will try for the full 8 soon)


anyway would an OC have any effect on IDE drives? for example, friend whose computer i was tweaking just went to install eq2, discs look fine, but gives her a crc error on disc 4. everything else she has installed is fine, just that game...i chalked it up as a messed up cd and called it a night but for the heck of it i figured i would check with you guys if this might be an issue with the overclock either being unstable or eating too much juice from the psu, though as i said she installed fear, oblivion, and all kinds of other games with no problems, and has played both fear and oblivion on the clock


just some thoughts, this is a learning experience for me

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Guest GripS

IDE drives in general did not have a problem when overclocking in the early days of the AMD64. However SATA was a different story in that if you overclocked too far then the file system would be corrupted(I know from experience). Newer boards have an AGP/PCI lock so the frequency of the bus doesn't increase when overclocking so this is no longer an issue.


CRC stands for 'Cyclic Redundancy Check'. I have also experienced this before. It was a bad disk and when i exchanged the game it installed fine. Otherwise try and clean the disk.

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Guest Blooz1

There's a know issue with the nF ut 250gb and SATA drives hooked up to #1+2. Those channels can be corrupted at speeds over 235 or so, and it's advised to use channels 3 + 4 if O/Cing at that speed or over.


(I'm assuming you're discussing the same system you posted about in the nF3 section earlier today?)

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