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WTF is wrong with kids today?


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Guest Lord Sauron
Joining the armed forces is a drastic measure, how about a national "Beat the $hit out of your kid day" lol




That too, but I dont think its drastic. Its a tried and true method and has only been abolished in most countries in the past 20-30 years due to tree huggers saying it was wrong.At the very LEAST make it mandetory that kids have to attend military boot camp every summer, from the age of 6. That will teach the little buggers and it would be all legal and no fear of reprisals. (Give the parents a break too)


I've seen kids mouthing off at old people. We would never thought of doing that because we would get our asses kicked. If we mouthed off or gave teachers crap at school we would be sent to the Headmasters office for the slipper or cane.


Am I mentally scarred ??? No... did it do any lasting damage? No... but it DID teach respect and it DID teach disipline. That is sadly lacking these days due to the tree huggers saying that we can talk to our children and that will teach disipline... A child is like a more intellegent dog in the younger years, now do we disipline a Dog by talking to it? NO!!


Im not saying beat the holy crap out of them but dont let them get away with mouthing off and stuff either without reprisals.. And I dont mean a Time Out either.. I mean really what the hell good does a time out do, really?

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Who says it has to be the armed services? How about ROTC or military school? After 5 years of that I lost any incentive to go into the military (otherwise I'd be at Westpoint right now...), but managed to become very self-disciplined. Discipline is something that the parents, ultimately, need to do for their children. I happen to think discipline and respect come hand-in-hand. Enough of one, and the other happens of it's own accord.

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Hahaha...quite true. Nowadays, a lot of high schools are starting to require a lot of community service. My little brother has to do 10 hours for his first year, and then it increases per year (20, 30, 40 or something like that).


Then again, he also goes to a catholic high school, which isn't for everyone...


Community service and/or volunteering are always good options.

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Guest Lord Sauron
Discipline is something that the parents, ultimately, need to do for their children. I happen to think discipline and respect come hand-in-hand. Enough of one, and the other happens of it's own accord.



Thats all well and good but if a child is being exremey bad and you spank said child in a public place (short sharp shock treatment that worked very well when I was a kid). you will get some dolt from across the parking lot call the police saying you are beating your child, and before you know it child serivces are at your door.


Hell even the kids know now that you cant touch them and I know some of them have even threatened thier own parents that they will go to the authorites. Its getting to the point where you cant disipline your child due to it almost being against the law.


That is where the problem lies people... in the system and not being able to dole out the disiplne required without fear of reprisals in your own home.


Of course there will always be exceptions to the rule (child abuse etc), but as a form of punishment it never hurt me (in the long run, but at the time it did), my parents, thier parents, and so on... but now its almost illegal

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Guest Lord Sauron
I am going to buy this book next time I am at Borders. I was just talking about that with my wife, I hate the idea of preschool, I don't think kids should go to school until they are about five or six, imo. I am confident in my ability to provide my son with the social and academic skills needed for kindergarten myself. I feel it is my responsibility to provide him with the social skill needed to succeed in school, not some preschool teacher, with 2 years of college.



I agree totally... Also whats with schools nowadays. When playing sports until the kids are aged 9 there are no winners or losers to any games?


what the hell does that teach them...??? that there are no winners or losers in life?


My step-duaghter was 7 a couple of years ago and was crying because Clay Atkin lost on American Idol. (stupid I know). but she had no concept of winning and losing to a point where it upset her.. And when you try to explain it "well Mrs suchabody says there are no losers"


That is just plain retarded. We played sports as kids and one team always lost and one team always won.. now there are no losers until you reach age 9...



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Then again, he also goes to a catholic high school, which isn't for everyone...


Ugh...I can't believe any parent would do that to their kids. Sad really. In fact, i pray their kids are the worst of them all. (though it doesn't happen)


Community service and/or volunteering are always good options.


Options yes, but FORCING kids into community service isn't going to help anything.


I personally believe mandatory military service - or at least SOME form of VERY strict organization - is the way to go. It might be too late for some grads, but many of them I feel would be straightened up.


I really wish I had either gone to West Point or the Air Force out of high school, I really think I'd be happier with what I'm doing.

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Lots of good points in here, both humorous and sad...


It truly saddens me that parents actually do have to fear some sort of reprisal for disciplining their child as they see fit. My mother made ME go get MY belt and and whip MY butt. I laugh about it now and knew then why it was being done and that I was deserving of it (didn't make it hurt any less). Time outs??????? That is just plain stupid.


And the whole "no losers" thing is another that just really makes no sense at all. Don't want to hurt poor lil Johnny's feelings...We don't want to ruin his fragile lil psyche...What a load of crap!!!!! Let kids experience all of lifes ups and downs just like we did when we were growing up!!! Who the heck is it that comes up with this .??? The adults that sucked at sports when they were kids??? Have they not come to terms with it yet???? :P

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I think organized team sports help a lot when growing up.

I realize that not everyone can be an athlete but it sure appears to me that those involved with sports usually get in a lot less trouble than those that don't.


There used to be a real popular sport called "baseball".

One ball, one bat and eighteen of us kept out of trouble all summer.

Even if you sucked you got a chance to bat 3 or 4 times a game.

(Course if you really sucked you played right field)


Oh, and we wore our brims in the front, only the catcher wore his backwards. (the tards and the crazy's wore them sideways)

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I think organized team sports help a lot when growing up.

I realize that not everyone can be an athlete but it sure appears to me that those involved with sports usually get in a lot less trouble than those that don't.


There used to be a real popular sport called "baseball".

One ball, one bat and eighteen of us kept out of trouble all summer.

Even if you sucked you got a chance to bat 3 or 4 times a game.

(Course if you really sucked you played right field)


Oh, and we wore our brims in the front, only the catcher wore his backwards. (the tards and the crazy's wore them sideways)


Hey!!!! I played right field!!! :P I also played every other position on the team cuz I could. And of course there was always a coaches son on the team that wasn't better than anyone else but you know he got more game time cuz he was the friggin coaches son. Life aint fair and kids need to learn that.

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I am a sort of observer of life (but I cant spell for beans so just ignore that) and I realize that because of my age (16) that I do not have the prerequired "experience" in life to say this but it is just . me off too much. And yes I do think that teachers should be allowed to hit there students because most of the time they DO deserve it. Feel free to add onto this list.


Todays youth:

always plays the victim

always wants instant gratification

always wants to argue there way through loop holes while the other party is pissed

rebel against conforming by conforming to the rebelion

think that complaining will get them something

never think of what they are doing to others

always want to gain something no matter what they are doing


thinks that money grows on trees

talk back

dosent know a hard days work from a rock to the back of the head

touché, and you should download firefox 2 beta 1 with spell check. I love it.

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Guest Lord Sauron
And the whole "no losers" thing is another that just really makes no sense at all. Don't want to hurt poor lil Johnny's feelings...We don't want to ruin his fragile lil psyche...What a load of crap!!!!! Let kids experience all of lifes ups and downs just like we did when we were growing up!!! Who the heck is it that comes up with this .??? The adults that sucked at sports when they were kids??? Have they not come to terms with it yet???? :P


Y'know... It probably IS the kid that we ribbed because he was crap at sports. And he grew up hating everyone and got into a position of power.. and force the lil Jonny doesnt lose rule...


Dammit I should have been nicer




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