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OCZ EL DDR PC-4800 Platinum Not working @ 600Mhz

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Something to try...By dropping the cpu multiplier you can more easily find the max of your ram, which gives you a clearer idea of where your problem is.


Use only two sticks...try to make sure they're from the same original set. Make sure they're placed in the correct slots. I don't remember which slots you're supposed to use with the dr board...


For testing I'd recommend a quick and dirty with superPI 32m run (25-35min dependent on mhz).


CPU Multiplier 8

CPU VID Startup Value 1.45

CPU VID Control 1.525

CPU VID Special Control auto


FSB 250 (test at 250, then add 10fsb after each test)

Memory FSB 1:1 with FSB

Memory Voltage 2.8 (2.7-2.92 whatever works best for your sticks)

Mem and Ratio 200/1:1

CPC Enabled (1T timing)

Tcl 2.5

Trcd 3 (can try 4 here when you hit 290-310)

Tras 8

Trp 3 (can try 4 here when you hit 290-310)

Trc 10

Trfc 14

Trrd 2

Twr 2

Twtr 2

Trwt 2

Tref 3120

Odd Div dis

Dram B Interleave dis

DQS Skew dis

DQS Skew Val 0

DRAM Dr Str 7

DRAM Data Dr Str 1 (or 4)

Max Async Lat 8 (7 will work sometimes...)

Dram Response Time Normal

Read Premable Time 5.5 (or 6)

idlecycle limit 256

dynamic counter dis

r/w queue bypass 16

bypass max 7

32 byte granularity dis

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I'm using the same ram as you daNutz. I changed the ram in my sig to 4800 plats. If you have a look here, that set up is rock solid and is still the same today, just with 4800 plats rather than G-skill. Give it a try and let us know how things go.

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