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Can't get past 250FSB: P4 640, 875-T, OCZ 4400 Gold Limited...

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I can't get past 250FSB unless i REALLY crank the vcore way up...i'm talking from 1.4 to 1.625 just to reach 262 FSB...and there's no point running it at that cuz my cpu will thermal-thrott...


I've been using timings 2.5-4-4-8, voltage 3.0


I am confused as ever....is it the ram? the timings? am i at the point where i have to go water cooling?


Currently cooling my 640 with a Zalman CNPS9500 LED, fan at 100%, AS5.


so what do u think guys? what could it be? :confused:

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It could very well be a limit of the CPU.


Have you tried running the RAM on a divider?


Could you post pics of your Advanced, Chipset and Genie BIOS settings? Make sure to keep them to 800x600 maximum size.

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It could very well be a limit of the CPU.


Have you tried running the RAM on a divider?


Could you post pics of your Advanced, Chipset and Genie BIOS settings? Make sure to keep them to 800x600 maximum size.



Devider is at 1:1...i'll have pics up shortly

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Try running the RAM at a 2/3 or 4/5 divider to see if the CPU will go further.


This takes the RAM out of the equation and tests to see if there is a lmit on your CPU.


Under the Advanced Chipset Features, disable Soft Patch Mode.


I didn't see your Genie BIOS Settings in the pics. Could you post one of it so I can have a gander at it? Thanks.

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Okay well, i tried FSB 260, and i couldn't get into windows without boosting the vcore up to 1.55v...i did prime95 and super PI at the same time..got errors, and thermal-throtting.


I am now considering that it is the memory...? i mean hell, WTF IS going on grrr....


Oh there is one possible thing, my new PSU is only a 20 pin connector, the DFI lanparty 875-T is 24, yet i have the 20-24pin converter...would it be safe to use?!

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Do not use a 20pin PSU with the 875P-T. DFI specifies a native 24 pin PSU to be used with it. Why did you purchase a PSU that is not native 24 pin?


I have been giving you suggestions on what to do (i.e. running RAM on a divider); and you have not posted anything saying you have tried it.


I have asked for a pic of your Genie BIOS Settings and (after you posting twice after my request) haven't received the picture.


Why are you so obsessed in believing that your RAM is holding back the CPU?


The suggestion of running a divider eliminates the RAM from the equation allowing you to see if you can push your CPU farther.


If you can't push the CPU any further, then the answer is quite obvious...it is not your RAM holding you back, it's your CPU.


If you can push the CPU further, then maybe it is your RAM or timings or some other setting which I am more than willing to work you through on.


But, I won't waste anymore of my time assisting someone who won't listen to suggestions.

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Here is the picture, sorry for not complying properley. if you can't read the FSB, it says 250.


Those are the most stable settings i can pull off using DDR400 mode.


I am now attempting DDR320, 5:4, Same timings (2.5-4-4-8) 3.0V


guys, how do i re-edit my signature? :D

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Off-Topic: Click on UserCP then Edit Signature to change it.


On-Topic: Thanks for the pic. Every setting in Genie BIOS appears to be correct.


Another thing you may want to try is updating the BIOS to 06/XX/05 version. I had great results with it. Was able to take a 3.6Ghz EM64T ES to 4.42Ghz.

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Off-Topic: Click on UserCP then Edit Signature to change it.


On-Topic: Thanks for the pic. Every setting in Genie BIOS appears to be correct.


Another thing you may want to try is updating the BIOS to 06/XX/05 version. I had great results with it. Was able to take a 3.6Ghz EM64T ES to 4.42Ghz.


Where can i get that bios? it's not listed at the DFI website..the one i'm using now is the latest one that DFI has on their site

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