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Cant get 3D apps to run??

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Hi there i recently upgraded to a Crossfire setup, build has all gone fine everything booted no problem and i managed to run 3d Mark 2003 once or twice.


However as soon as i added another HDD my system would not run any 3D apps, just sticks on a blank screen then eventually re boots. i have removed everything possible even my Floppy drive so i just have mobo, gfx, raid array and CPU cooler powered up but no joy.....


any help very welcome :)

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A little off topic first, are you having any cold boot issues with the Tagan 900w?


I have the same psu, it arrived yesterday, but I have found that if I power down the system, via XP or by holding in the ps for 4 seconds, it won't power up for an hour. I have emailed Tagan to see what they want me to do. BTW another user has the same problem, so I think Tagan need to redesign the setup.




With regards to your 3d, try completely uninstalling the ATI and CCC. Then reboot and reinstall, see if that fixes the problem.


Otherwise check the setup of the hard drive you added in bios.


I have 2 wd250gb hd in raid 0, 4 case fans and a dvd writer, I'm having no problems playing games, even with the system overclocked @ 2.7ghz and GPU's overclocked too.



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May be related...


I finally got round to installing some games yesterday and GTR was doing as you describe (No issues with other games). I found ensuring the Cat AI setting was at standard cured the issue. Worth a try?

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Raja - i have not had any issues with the Tagan, (apart from my switch was broke on arrival) maybe that is one thing i have been lucky with :)

I must say i am really glad i went with the Tagan over the Sparkle i was looking at, the quality seems way better. even the slightly wierd suitcase they send it packed in :rolleyes:


As regards the issues i am having i have finally managed to get some 3D benches done again, seems to be an issue with connecting another HDD to the ULI controlled SATA connections, any ideas?


Simon - i have also left the AI as standard also. i think my problem is more hardware related... i have just now managed to clock me chip a bit too!! i will keep you all posted!!


thnx for your input.

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try powering down XP from the start bar, wait for the computer to switch off, turn off the power supply with the rocker switch, turn the rocker switch back on and power up using your pc case power switch, if this works then you must have a revised unit.




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Raju - afraid i cant try the experiment for you my rocker switch was DOA, so i cant turn off the juice at all :sweat: im going to RMA the beast after next weekends LAN.


good news though i am still running fine and got me chip upto 3gig now (12X250) going to go for 10X300 tonight!!

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Fair enough, I'm awaiting a response from Tagan tech, failing this I'll phone up their service number in Germany. Will let you know of any updates.



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i must say i find these Mobos a lot like my old Soltek NF2, if you try to do too much at one time they are not happy at all!!


For example trying to go from a 12xmulti to 11xmulti - i had to reset everything to auto and then slowly edge up fsb etc until i get back to the same overall mhz but at a lower multi, takes a long time but i think the results are really worth it. Even if i have lost a load of hair in the process :nod:

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Guest eva2000

tried having one x1900 card using PCI-E to twin molex adaptor instead of the PCI-E power connector off the psu ?

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