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Guest monkeyboy_merged

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Guest monkeyboy

hello. just signed up today and had a few questions.

first ill start by owning up to the fact that i do not have a dfi but would appreaciate any info you may have or any direction you point me in for help in areas you do not field or cover.

in speaking to a friend about some oc'ing he offered up this site since he got help here (he has a dfi though). so if theres some other site you want to refer me to thats fine.


anyways, to my issue. i would like to oc this system but only have stock cooling (for now). i have used coolbits to oc the video card to 411/1080. seems to be stable so far under gaming load. any info on software i could use to oc the cpu and ram would be great.


next subject. aftermarket cooling. water or not? if not what do you recommend?

i am also looking for a new case. what opinions do you guys have on cases that create good air flow but will fit in a desk cubby hole 13 1/2" wide x 22" tall x 19" deep? (good sized area)


any help/comments/info is greatly appreciated.

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I don't trust software to do my OC'ing, better to do it in the bios. If your willing to spend over $300.00 on water gear, it's OK. but if your going to be sticking it into a cubby hole its gonna be a pain to pull it in and out inorder to do maintenance on it. Air is fine unless you live in a hot enviroment or the computer is making too much noise do to all the fans? As for cases, I like the Thermaltake Armor full or JR cases. but its a personal thing on my part.

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