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whatz inda box

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Well when my current systems hardware was new and sparkly, it WAS:sad: grafting. Now, well let's not talk about it. FINALLY AN UPGRADE!!!!!:nod:


Will this system I'm getting quench my thirst for insane:eek: modding and OC'ing?

Should I rather go for a DFI LanParty UT NF4 SLI DR Expert? (I can still change my order to this second board) :rolleyes: and why should I rather get the expert version.


And recomendations on BIOS versions I should get.


Please help a long-time DFI fan to make his new LanParty system kick butt, I lapsed (DFI -> Gigabyte:( ) because of budget and got burned, NEVER AGAIN.


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Well when my current systems hardware was new and sparkly, it WAS:sad: grafting. Now, well let's not talk about it. FINALLY AN UPGRADE!!!!!:nod:


Will this system I'm getting quench my thirst for insane:eek: modding and OC'ing?

Should I rather go for a DFI LanParty UT NF4 SLI DR Expert? (I can still change my order to this second board) :rolleyes: and why should I rather get the expert version.


And recomendations on BIOS versions I should get.


Please help a long-time DFI fan to make his new LanParty system kick butt, I lapsed (DFI -> Gigabyte:( ) because of budget and got burned, NEVER AGAIN.



Well if money is not an issue get the expert, it will provide slightly better preformance because of the tweaking DFI has done to it. That said it probably won't have that big an impact on OC'ing so you could safely go with the Ultra and not have a problem. That is unless you don't like having to mod it to SLI yourself (unlikely by your earlier remarks) or you really need the extra SATA.


As for the BIOS only you can determine what is best, just get one and experiment, if you don't have good luck get another. Simple as that.

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Or if you are strapped for cash get the SLI-D or SLI-DR versions.

There's not a lot of point getting the Ultra-D if you want to be future proof, and you don't want to perform the SLI mod yourself.

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