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standby led / no boot

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just added asek water cooling and another drive for my raid. hook everything back up, boot machine and get the windows boot error i always get when i add a new drive but dont add it to RAID (this is not my problem..) so i decided to power off and pull the sata cable to the new drive. i also swaped my reset and power sw cables as i accidenlty inverted them (the reset switch powerd on my system this first time since i messed up).


then nothing.. wont boot wont even trigger psu. I removed all cards and all sata cables still same thing.. if i short the two atx wires on the psu cable the machine powers up and i get 4 red diag. ledz but i get nothing on the screen..the monitor does not even recongize it.


i've read and serached aroudn but i find nothing similar..


any ideas? I'm doing an overnight cmos clear just to be safe but i really dont think that is the problem...


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UPDATE: now the machine will power up when you press the power button on the MOBO but still nothing comes up on the screen and now all 4 LEDs are red


and you can power the system up via the power switch/ atx jumper which is the only difference from last night apparently

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