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3 LEDs then power off / SLI issues / DRAM strength

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Everytime I do a "cold boot", that is the computer has been turned off for any given time, when I power it on it will work for about 5 seconds then power off. I see that 3 LEDs get lit up on the diagnostic board before it powers off. I can fix this cold booting problem by turning off, or unplugging the PSU, waiting for the motherboard lights to go out and then reconnecting it.


I did a bit of reading and searching and it seems it may be a conflict between my DFI DR-SLI EXPERT motherboard and power supply. Here is a link to my power supply model, it is a 600w PSU, is it within specs to handle this DFI board? :-




I couldn't reliably run SLI on this motherboard until I flashed back to the November BIOS available on the DFI site. My motherboard was already flashed to the December one upon receiving it. After flashing to the November BIOS SLI no longer hanged my machine within 30 seconds of starting an SLI application. However randomly (could be 15 minutes or 8 hours) it still crashes (LCD monitor powers off, but the machine doesn't reboot, just sits there). Is there any fix for this SLI problem? My old board was an ASUS a8n-deluxe (rev 1.0) which ran these 2 7800GT cards in SLI with no problems, with this same power supply. So it isn't a temperature or power supply issue, but a motherboard one from my logic.


Finally, does anyone know the best DRAM strength settings for KINGMAX ram? I have 2x512MB PC3700 KINGMAX ram, I think BGA type. I cannot overclock successfully with this ram which was doing (240MHz/2.5/3/3/6) on my ASUS board for over 18 months. I have 100% stability at 200MHz with auto settings however.


If it matters, I have a dual core 3800+ AMD64 cpu.

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Finally, does anyone know the best DRAM strength settings for KINGMAX ram? I have 2x512MB PC3700 KINGMAX ram, I think BGA type. I cannot overclock successfully with this ram which was doing (240MHz/2.5/3/3/6) on my ASUS board for over 18 months. I have 100% stability at 200MHz with auto settings however.


If it matters, I have a dual core 3800+ AMD64 cpu.


First of all I have the same problem and I'm getting used to it now just that sometimes I have to change position on the memory, no matter what.


Second, I'm not really sure here but I don't think Kingmax is supported, and I'm guessing there is a reason for that, test the sticks in memtest for a few hours, also depending on what chip you have (TCCD/UCCD/BH-5/BH_6) when I used my Bh-5 I used normal and when I use my TCCD as now, I use Fast.


Also, read the forum rule, you have to make a signature with what components you are using, and do it quick before the mods come after you ^^

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First of all I have the same problem and I'm getting used to it now just that sometimes I have to change position on the memory, no matter what.


Second, I'm not really sure here but I don't think Kingmax is supported, and I'm guessing there is a reason for that, test the sticks in memtest for a few hours, also depending on what chip you have (TCCD/UCCD/BH-5/BH_6) when I used my Bh-5 I used normal and when I use my TCCD as now, I use Fast.


Also, read the forum rule, you have to make a signature with what components you are using, and do it quick before the mods come after you ^^


When I said I had been running the kingmax PC3700 at 240MHz for 18months on the ASUS board I wasn't lying. ;) If this motherboard couldn't run this RAM at a high speed whilst others can I wouldn't think this is a RAM problem, but a motherboard one. Don't get me wrong I like DFI mobos, but if they can't do things other motherboards can then they are lacking, would you not agree? However...


I played around with the DRAM strength timings , and at 15 DRAM STRENGTH and 2 for DRAM DATA STRENGTH I haven't had a crash yet at 240MHz. I will let everyone know how it goes.


My SLI worries are the biggest concern, I am rock stable when I disable SLI in the nvidia control panel, no worries what-so-ever. Soon as I enable it though its unstable in a random fashion. I might try flashing all the beta bios's and see how each one performs. The november bios however has at least let me enable SLI and play games for a while, just the random hanging is annoying.


Since the november bios is fine for most of us who have SLI issues, it definitely must be a bios issue as to why 12/07 doesnt work for us?


*edit* Thanks for the TIP btw, i have updated my signature

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