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NF3 Ultra-D

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Just got the board and a bit dismayed by it my ramm might be to generic for it but its been working fine this year *L*

I have already mem tested it and all that,I dont need it to run at full speed or even at 200,I would like it to run stable currently it can crash randomly and I can forget about running anythign 3D sicne it reboots shortly after the program kicks in I have tested warcraft 3 and 3d Mark 03.


is thier any chance I can make this mobo ram combo stable untell I can get a nice 1GB dual channle kit?


GO to last page for updates to thread ^^

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I have just tried it in the yellow *yawns*

Should I try the slot nearest the CPU?

if so I need to take off my zalman heatsink it blocks install but dosent touch it or anythign onces it in place.


I kinda wanted to get nice 500Mhz ramn but with DDR2 comeing out I guess I should stick with 400/433 and save money for a DDR2 board *L*

altho I still am on AGP *L*

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Ok I will try it I kinda run my comp 24/7 so its hard to shut off *L* being on dailup adds to the pain becuse I need every secound to download my number one hobby and thats ANIME! *L* hows japan this time of year? ^^,what dual channle 400-433 ramn would you sugjest I get for it?

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Japan is nice this time of year, cherry blosomes are out this time of year. as for the ram, you are asking the wrong guy but if you look at my other topic that has been posted some people have their idea's on that subject.

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Just got the board and a bit dismayed by it my ramm might be to generic for it but its been working fine this year *L*

I have already mem tested it and all that,I dont need it to run at full speed or even at 200,I would like it to run stable currently it can crash randomly and I can forget about running anythign 3D sicne it reboots shortly after the program kicks in I have tested warcraft 3 and 3d Mark 03.


is thier any chance I can make this mobo ram combo stable untell I can get a nice 1GB dual channle kit?


Hi ZippyDSM, and welcome to the street. I was looking over your components and for stock speeds I think you should be able to get your NF3 stable with a bit of effort. I would start with the basics for now to make sure its not something obvious thats causing the reboot.


First do you know what the current BIOS version is that you are using? If you can find this and post it in your sig that would be a big help.


Here is where to begin:



- Back up your existing system and data

- RAM in orange slots

- Clear CMOS using the following procedure




Next there are a few basic settings in the BIOS that you should set manually, as the deafults usually do not provide enough volts. This is well documented in the tweeks sticky.



Hammer Fid Control = Auto

AGP OverClock in MHz = 67

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio = 4x

AMD K8 Cool and Quiet = Disable


CPU VID Control = 1.500v

CPU Voltage adjusting = +0.2v

Chipset Voltage Control = 1.65v

Memory Voltage Control = 2.6v

AGP Voltage Control = 1.6v


See if that helps, and then if not you will probably have to set up your memory timings manually in the Geni bios section. Post back and I'll try to help you with this if thats the case.



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Hi ZippyDSM, and welcome to the street. I was looking over your components and for stock speeds I think you should be able to get your NF3 stable with a bit of effort. I would start with the basics for now to make sure its not something obvious thats causing the reboot.


First do you know what the current BIOS version is that you are using? If you can find this and post it in your sig that would be a big help.


Here is where to begin:



- Back up your existing system and data

- RAM in orange slots

- Clear CMOS using the following procedure




Next there are a few basic settings in the BIOS that you should set manually, as the deafults usually do not provide enough volts. This is well documented in the tweeks sticky.



Hammer Fid Control = Auto

AGP OverClock in MHz = 67

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio = 4x

AMD K8 Cool and Quiet = Disable


CPU VID Control = 1.500v

CPU Voltage adjusting = +0.2v

Chipset Voltage Control = 1.65v

Memory Voltage Control = 2.6v

AGP Voltage Control = 1.6v


See if that helps, and then if not you will probably have to set up your memory timings manually in the Geni bios section. Post back and I'll try to help you with this if thats the case.




Adreno, I am also new to all this and just trying to learn, my stuff is stable, I think, but should I do the changes that you said above? :confused:

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Reboot problem NOTHING,Ok this is what I did and what the results are.




Win XP SP2 Media center all updates

From Abit nf7 sg2




Abit a8v


In all no real boost in speed the Av8 is damaged with a bad IDE channle 0 I guess thats what you get when you buy used but it can run 3Dmark to 11000 so it works fine,alittle slugish but XP gets like that over a few months


Installed the DFI board

XP booted and I could complied Video vides fine but if I tried to run 3Dmark or Warcraft 3 it would crash ,it also couldrandomly crash but it was rare I tried changeign the slot of the ramm it brought XP SP 2 to the blue screen of death I spent hours trying to figure it out trying safemode nothign worked so I formated and installed XP SP1 same problem I installed and reinstaled it 4 times,it craped out half way complaining it could not find a DLL,after takeing a nap with the Keyboard besideme to hit a key when promted I got XP to install with teh ram set on 100Mhz and everthign esle on auto it installed but was misseing menus in disply and such so I reinstalled it on the AV8 with NO trouble at all....after that I tried tomatch the timmeings of my ramm its 3-3-4 or 2-4-4 and changed slots speed was 400 and 433 DDR it could not boot into XP so I guess I have confired it hates the ramm.



So bascily I cant use the board till I get ramm for it....anyone know how much DFI chrages to recret the board? its going to be acouple months befor I can get 200$ ramm want at least 1 GB dual channle while I wait I can blow 50 on them checking and fixing the board..I eman come one this board is sapposed to be the best ;_;

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sorry I am sick and this heat is no help and all the installing of the ramm,XP and the heatsink has me..well....tiffed......

I think the boards bios is current but its hard to tell I dont ahve a working floppy drive and reley a bit to much on windose based flash programs and I dont think this board has one tried useing the adwflash to just read what version the bios is but it had a fit it was in windose...god I miss simple boot to dos and get away from windose....

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