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4 led post frustration on whole new set up…

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I have just had enough, I have been a avid DFI customer for a long time and have bought many of there products but sadly I draw the line today to never buy another DFI product again or recommend the set up to my work colleges or mates.


I have the following set up in my sig and after reading the forum and using the (This one is the joke, I read a thread on how to remove a battery, move a jumper to cmos clear and then look at the sky for 24 hours, nice support forum) special DFI cmos clear trick still my system refuses to boot, the fans spin the gfx card is on, but I have 4 leds constantly on which I am lead to believe is power on stage.


This motherboard was a replacement (Bougth brand new) for my old identical board for which I used for 8 + months, I had to replace it since my old board suddenly died on me and is currently somehow trying to be RMA’D (DFI refused my RMA this week even though I filled in the form correctly), I have tired almost everything I can think of, bare minimum set up motherboard out of bax, cmos clear for 24 hours, removed battery, booting with ram in different slots, using one stick of ram in slot 2 + others BH5+, nothing seems to get it past the four led stage, I have bought another 3800 X2, bought a new enernmax 620 psu, but still the board refuses to budge from the 4 led post screen.


Almost 2 weeks down the drain, and i'm off from work for 4 days from today for Good Friday, the weekend and then the bank holiday Monday and guess what I still haven’t managed to get my elders scroll 4 to be installed or played yet.


Thanks a lot DFI, sorry for the whine but i’m so god damn peed off with this situation and people telling me to do stupid cmos clears for hours on end, is it too much to ask for a manufacturer to make a motherboard that can boot…



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According to the DIAG LEDs you are getting a CPU error. Have you tried another CPU? Did you swap other components? Did you complete a build outside the case?


As you can see there are a lot of things you can do to try and resolve your issue.


The 24 hour Clear CMOS routine is time tested. It has worked countless times when the 4LED stop is encountered. It doesn't work every time. Nothing works every time.


Spend some quality time with the build guide...


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If you read my original post and my sig, you will see that i have two brand new cpus, both bought a week apart, and that i have tested the board plain out of its box, not even in my pc case. My ram is tested fine and gfx with my brothers intel machine, the motherboard has had forget the 24 hour joke, its had a 72 hour cmos clear, i left the motherbaord without the battery (and with) and in cmos clear and left for work and returned 3 days later, yet it still doesnt post, i tired the get the board working in both my case and without the case with no componenets expect the gfx, ram, cpu, cpu fan, and none usb keybaord.


BTW this was a brand new DFI baord purchase about 2 weeks ago, is it possible you could give me any other info apart from the 24 hour cmos stuff which you claim works... seriosuly i have been without my pc for over 2 weeks, i have come here for support and so far have received no help at all, i was hoping i missed a jump setting on a new revision but sadly it doesnt seems so.


PS thanks alot i really enjoyed my new motherbaord fantastic piece of kit, i will know have to pay RMa cost to get this **** sent back, and sent what seems a perfectly good brand new cpu back thinking it was dead (i was told the reason the motherbaord is in 4 leds mode is cos it doesnt detect the cpu) and will msot liekly be charged a restocking fee as it was probably in perfect working order, more money down the drain.



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According to my recent expierence, two boards RMA,ed.

in my case after trying to OC, I tried to save into the CMOS reloaded and I stored 4 safe configuations. (This on my second RMAed Expert). But first I was just trying to OC my first DFI board. I was editing the configurations (found in samsung UCCC threads). When , of course I dialed a bad adjustment on The Rig, and would not boot to windows. Fine, Bigdeal, I posted into the bios but could not remember the offending adjustment. More big deal. meh

so no problem: I've got 4 saved configurations in CMOS Reloaded.

I picked the last known config that was stable. exited out to post and boot, expecting to go about life, Right?


Rig would not post. four red LEDs stareing at me. Flashing 3 to 4 to 3- steady blinking at me.


I tried unplug pwr and moved the CMOS jumper for 5 minutes. No worky!

Tried removing the battery (unplug pwr) for 15 minutes. No worky!


Recieving an RMA for the flashing LED condition. They sent it back. --ME, having not connecting the dots, but same story as above.


Called, Recieved another RMA. This time they sent me a brand new board.


I went on with life. I did again same as above, Crash down to 3-4 LEDs laughing at me.

Back to E-mail for another RMA. Donna freaks out, forwards my E-mail up the chain of command while for explaining that not only was my original board was Okay but now i'm wanting another RMA on the brand new board, : Donna sends the copy to me to keep me up on the issue.

I go ballistic when I read that my original board tested OK......

FIRST I heard about it!

If they would've given me a tech report from their bench tech at least half of this would not have happened.


I retraced my steps on my trouble shooting with a board that I now know is not at fault. I do the pwr battery thing, this time I juggle the memory around. Success!!! Me worky!!


Now I know the board could be made to post.(juggle the memory, Two sticks, one stick, different slots, sticks from other computers) Happy days are hear again YES?


Had to set Bios setup to default to stock values. So I thought cool, I'll just load one of my CMOS reloaded saved settings. BOOM! Board crashes to no post and our friendly red LEDs.


Cool I've got the routine down now; pwr cord battery out 15 min.

Juggle memory sticks aroung till it posts. Boom back into bios back at default settings.


I attempt to use each of my stable saved configurations in reloaded--No surprise- all 4 bios saved configurations crash the unit to 3-4 red LEDs on board.

(btw once you post into bios you log out and verify boot Windows. This before your original memory configurations"


I write a strong reply answer to Donna, "Why didnt you just tell me that the original board was OK?" I Stated that CMOS reloaded simply does not work. (This is on two known good boards)


I issued an invitation to Donna to the effect If the would send me an expert board with a working CMOS reloaded. They can have the new board I'm holding


I did offered that they have been very very polite and I told them how to fix experts crash to no post condition.


I have yet to hear back from them a couple of days.


Good luck on your no post 3-4 flashing LEDs condition.

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Letitbe thx for your story but that was help to me whats so ever, i have tired cmos clear, booting the Mb with only ram, gfx, and cpu, but i always get 4 leds, i dont get 3 or 2 nothing like that, and this baord has never ever posted since it was taken out of its brand new box.


I tired to see wether i could get it to boot to 2 or 3 leds in the hope that it indicates that the board is registering other componenets, i tired booting with only the gfx card and ram, but without cpu, i tired with ram cpu but no gfx, i tired with cpu gfx no ram etc etc, but i always get the 4 led.

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I know you won't want to hear this but two different motherboards displaying the same issue means it most probably isn't the motherboard.


While it could be the odds are just way against it being the motherboard.


I'm sorry I missed the part about two different CPUs.


Now here's the rub. Let's say the original CPU is popped. You put the same CPU in the new board and damaged it. No matter what else you do the new board may be damaged. You put the second CPU in a damaged board and popped it.


This is just a possibility but something you need to think about.


For you own peace of mind and before you spend anymore RMA money, you should take your hardware to a local shop and let them test the CPUs, motherboard and PSUs.

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ExRoadie this is how the problem started:


My old system was:


Opteron 146 CABYE running at 3ghz

2*1gig crucial ballistixs ddr4000

CWT550 psu

NF4 Ultra-D


36GB raptor

300 GB western digital



This system ran perfect for over 8-9 months, any problems bingo 10 second cmos clear and away I went but few weeks ago my machine just stopped booting, I tested my ram and gfx on my brothers machine and they worked fine, took my brothers hiper 500+ psu to test it still mb posts 4 led and wont post, so it had to be either cpu or MB, I narrowed it down to MB and ordered a brand new MB, I then said to myself while im at it, might as well order a new X2 3800, so I sold my opteron to a mate who is currently running it the same set up as mine (I ordered his bits and built it for him, opty at 3ghz, NF4-ultra-D x1800xl, 550 CWT etc)


Anyhow I order the motherboard on the last week of Feb. but the store didn’t have it in stock so I had to wait over 2 weeks to get my mb, and during that time I got what people would say the upgrading bug, I ended up buying a new 26inch HDTV, akasa case and thought while I'm at it might as well buy a new modular PSU keep the case clean and help with nice air flow.


So in general I ended up buying almost a whole new pc, apart from ram, gfx and hdd.


So I built the following set up:


X2 3800

Brand new NF4 ultra D

620 enermax modular psu

2* 1 GB crucial (Tested and working)

x1800xl (again tested and working)

36 GB raptor

300 Gb WD hdd

Akasa eclipse case


After spending a few hours cleaning and tiding the wiring etc I started the machine up and nope I got 4 leds and no boot from the new machine, I thought hang on, ram and gfx is working, I hdd tested and are fine so it must be either:


X2 3800

NF4 ultra-D

620 modular psu,


Thankfully I still had my old 550 CWT which is currently running my old DFI 250GB and mobile DTR A64, so I swap the psu with the new enermax and still its doesn’t boot when this was the same psu I used with my old set up. So I'm left with


X2 3800



I rma the cpu back to the online vendor and give them an awful bashing via email stating I received a DOA cpu, they arranged a courier to pick the cpu and give me another x2 3800 brand new. I build my system but this time avoid the whole case scenarios and just do a basic build outside the box on the MB plastic cover. I just built the system using MB, CPU, ram gfx and none USB keyboard.


Again the system is stuck in 4 leds and has never posted, I then tired the whole new set up with the old MB which I knew was dead but again no post, my old DFI ultra-D should have been rma a week ago but for some reason my RMA request is not being honored and keeps getting rejected...


So have I missed something??? Ps during the cpu rma stage I kept my MB in cmos clear for over 3+ days and still I have zero luck.




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OK got the details straight now.


Send an email to AG(his email is in his sig). Point back to the last post you made so he can see what the details are. He's the only one that can make a call on your issue.

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Exroadie you won’t believe this one problem solved, here's what I did:


After playing around over and over all morning the system just didn’t boot at all, 4 leds all the way, this was with the set up as bare minimum, I spoke earlier about a mate having the same system, what with him being my regular online gaming mate since I have been off line he keeps ringing to ask when I will be back for some good old online gaming.


I asked him if I could take the motherboard round his as he has the same PSU, my opteron, same NF4 ulta-D and some 1 gig BH5. I got to his place took out his board and swapped it with mine and guess what it came alive. I have no explanation for this as I said about 10 minutes before I arrived round his the MB would not boot with my set up.


Now that I found out the MB was working and not dead I rushed home as I didn’t bring my new cpu with me, when I got home my set up was still on the table so I just plugged everything back into the MB and it booted.


I am absolutely astonished at how this has come about and have no explanation what's so ever, I have built many set ups for myself, family, friends etc and have never seen this sort of behavior, can anyone explain this???



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Karma! LOL


Let's just be thankful that things are working.


I am absolutely astonished at how this has come about and have no explanation what's so ever, I have built many set ups for myself, family, friends etc and have never seen this sort of behavior, can anyone explain this???



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