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chipset overheating

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My ambient is 76f right now and my chipset temp is reading 53c and I'm not worried about it. All of my case fans are controlled to fire up full speed once temps hit certain levels. The two 90m fans I have that blow air onto my vid cards and chipset hsf will go full blast once the chipset temp hits 56c and after the chipset temp drops back down, they drop back to 50% speed. PWM is sitting at 48c and once it hits 51c, my case exhaust fan and the fan I have blowing on my PWM/RAM area ramp up from 50% speed to 100% speed.


I use a VLSystem LIS2 to do this, but there are cheaper automatic fan controllers, and I really might replace this with some m-cubed stuff, but this is really a very nice automatic fan controller. The only reason I'm thinking about replacing this is because, this has a drive bay display but my case has a door. Doh! My machine has zero bling factor. I also have a bling machine that needs some automatic fan control, so perfect fit. And as said, the m-cubed stuff is cheaper.

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Do yourself a favour and get an Evercool VC-RE.


It will lower those temps for sure and run quiet compared to the stick chipset hsf.


My temp NEVER goes above 50 at load and idles in the low 40's with the fan spinning at 3000 rpm.


If you are interested search the "Modifications" forum using "advanced searching", searching in "titles only", using "Evercool" and "Evercool VC-RE".


There is a wealth of information for the reading.


Good luck.

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Well now I’m not surprised your chipset is hot, your Vcore is at 1.65v. That is a lot of heat going through your motherboard. That big Typhoon is doing one heck of a job cooling your CPU.


under full load it reaches like 57and it idles at 51, is it possible that i could have applyed to much as5

If you’re not comfortable with this, then do what Critter said and get an Evercool VC-RE. You may have to move your 6800GS. Also repositioning your 6800GS (if it over your chipset) may also improve the cooling. Personal I would be more uncomfortable with my Vcore at 1.65v.


Yes, too much AS5 can cause problems. Follow the instructions for bare a chip.

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my 6800gs is over my chipset, the vcore is fine my load temps are never over 41


here is a pic of my 6800gs over my chipset http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/382/dsc003041wj.jpg


here is a pic of the inside of my case



and if i have to i was thinking about getting this unit here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16835116003

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Read this, Temps Too High? What are the rest of your temps and room ambient?

Did you read this? If you read down to (Confused about Dual 16X PC Slots?). It gives the ammo to change your 6800GS to the lower slot.


and if i have to i was thinking about getting this unit here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16835116003
For this fan I don’t know. Looks a thicker than the stock fan so again you may have to move your 6800GS.


Point I’m making is you could probable use more air circulation around your chipset.

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