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Guest Neezer

Do any of you have experience with trancievers?



I am using that one, and am having a hell of a time getting it working. I can get data transfer by using a USB cable, but I cannot get the transciever to work. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Well, it's complicated. He's working on a radio controlled spy-glider for a senior design project in aerospace engineering. I don't know the exact specifics, but I think it needs to send a video signal back to a laptop.

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Guest Neezer

we are not sending video over that line. we have a separate vide module that has its own transmitter and reciever. the data that will be sent over the transciever is going to be IMU(inertial measurement unit) data. we have analog sensors measuing linear acceleration and angular acceleration in x, y, and z directions. we need to get the data back so that we can numerically integrate and work out a control algorithm for an autopilot.......very exciting, but we just cant get the darn transcievers to work.


we have someting like what you linked to. it is a tiny camera with an antenna that sends to a reciever down on the ground. The reciever for the camera plugs directly into the video card for live video.

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Well, if your data stream is serial and you have the device powered properly, you should see the data stream as serial output on the other end.


The transceiver setup is very simple according to their diagram and if you're not getting a data pass-through I would suspect bad hardware.


The easiest way to test would be to setup the transceivers on a test bench with a simple RS232 or RS482 signal. Use a laptop serial port to connect another serial device via the connectors then put the transceivers in place to test connectivity.

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Guest Neezer

I will see if I can get you a diagram of our setup. we are using an OOPic to read the data from the different sensors and concatenate it. then we send it form the OOPic to the computer via the transceiver...

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When active, SCP uses I/O lines 22 and 23 for serial communications utilizing a 9600,N,8,1 no flow control connection. The default baud rate of 9600 BPS may be changed to a baud rate as high as 38400 BPS and as low as 1200 BPS."


You should by now have tested the OOPic to laptop interface via hard wire first to verifiy the connection.


Once you get the serial interface of the OOPic to the serial interface of the transceiver you should be done. If it fails to work it's probably just a wiring error.

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Guest Neezer

yeah. we got it to work with a hard wire, so we have narrowed it down to either wiring, or a bad transceiver. probably wiring though. thanks a lot for the help. I will keep you posted.

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