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Hi there, im trying to regulate my fans with that speedfan tool, i installed it, but when i set the fan to 50% instead 100% or whatever it happens nothing!, they go on running at same speed, what should i do? :S thx



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If you go to SpeedFan website there is a F.A.Q that will tell you the steps in order to get a fan running at a certain speed of your choice. Plus you can get support there if noone here can help you. I personally use MBM with the modified DATA folder which i think works much better then SpeedFan. I hope this helps.....

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Guest GripS

use the ITE smartguardian that comes on the disk that came with your motherboard. I believe speedfan has issues with DFI boards.

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Is there anyway i can set my fans to start up at whatever percentage i want upon boot without starting up speedfan and setting it. I use speedfan and ITE as of right now.



If you set up speedfan properly it loads on startup with the values you give it.


I do this so my chipset fan doesn't sound like a airliner taking off.

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