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Bios Settings

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Have anyone a good bios setting for my hardware??

settings for running standard with optimal memory timing maybe 2-3-2-7-1T if possible or maybe another good settings ??

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Check out the Stock Speed Database and the Socket939 OCDB. Find CPU, m/b, memory, similar to yours and borrow those BIOS and memory settings as a starting point. All entries in both of those threads are confirmed workable and stable. Here's the links;








Be sure to run full suite of stress tests and benchmarking tests. Beginning with MemTest tests #5 and #8 for a minimum of 50 loops. If those settings pass run the full battery of MemTests 1-8 (overnight is ideal). If all of those pass, boot to Windows and run Prime95 (blend test) for a minimum of eight hours. If that also passes you know you're pretty well on a stable path. At that point you can further stress and test your system by running OCCT, SuperPi 32 million, Aquamark, 3DMark tests. If all of those pass you have been successful.


Good luck.

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