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Did I just waste money?


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My situation is thus: Upgrading for The Elder Scrolls:Oblivion.


512 Corsair TWINX1024-3200C2PT is the memory type


2x512 sticks of memory at 1t for Oblivion (current)




4x512 sticks of memory at 2t for Oblivion (just ordered another 2x512)


I'm thinking 4 sticks is better than two for this kind of game, yes?


I've heard conflicting things, such as 1 gig at 1t sometimes being better than 2 gigs at 2t. However, with a game like Oblivion, I should be able to make use of both gigs. Thoughts, opinions?

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You need to make sure the sticks have the same SPD info.


If they don't you will have to use one stick to set the BIOS timmings before trying all four.


Granted, and lets assume for this discussion that the SPDs DO match. I still have to run all 4 a 2t, and I'm trying to figure out if this is better or worse than 2x512 at 1t for a game like Oblivion.


Idealy, I would have just 2x1gb sticks, but I already had the 2x512 and didnt want to start from ground zero.

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Granted, and lets assume for this discussion that the SPDs DO match. I still have to run all 4 a 2t, and I'm trying to figure out if this is better or worse than 2x512 at 1t for a game like Oblivion.


Idealy, I would have just 2x1gb sticks, but I already had the 2x512 and didnt want to start from ground zero.

AG ran benchmarks for the difference between 1T and 2T and the difference was negligible. I prefer more RAM.

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Screw it. Saw the G.SKILL Extreme Series 2GB on sale at newegg and heard it runs very well indeed on dfi boards. I bought this and I'll just return the other stuff as soon as it arrives!




Thanks for the suggestions and help!



Me 2! Me 2! :shake:


They were so inexpensive that I went for the next day shipping! :D

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