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Locking up w/ 2 Prime


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I've had one of the 2 instances of Prime fail, so I bumped up the voltage a notch to 1.525 (reads 1.45 w/ MBM & CPUID). Everything is fine up to 2.7GHz, but if I go a little past, the comp locks up instead of Prime crashing.

Do you think it might be the HTT? It's set at 3X, 1.2V (stock), 303MHz, and the memory is set at the 166 setting. I'm very far from the cap on the memory, as I've had it running past 280MHz recently, vs ~250.

Temps according to MBM are 36 under full load & 25 idle.

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Not sure if its related... but when my overclock is set to high. My comp hard locks also. Have to reboot and lower the fsb.....


I was at 2.9 stable.... but even that failed in prime...


So I am running it in 2.86 right now

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