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sli prob after flush

Guest gijoe_merged

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Guest gijoe

hi there,

Well i flushed using the great cd from t/mod

never had a problem before but this time i fluched to tonys mod and for some reason when i put it in sli mode i only get this picture frame type screen with no acsess to any drop downs :(

So after trying everything as in cmos,battery all the normal stuff i reflushed to the 12/7 and the same thing is happing :(

everythime i change from 2-1-1-16to 8-4-n-8 only ther useless screen is there .

any ideas anyone.



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Guest gijoe

Your the man!!!

thx m8 you wrer right i changed to the bottom card and bob's your uncle it worked.

Have you any idea why it worked?

Would be nice to know as this is the first time i ve ever had to change.

Have to say the reason i changed the bios was so i could try my gskill f1 on this board they seem to hate this board as i cant even get it to boot with them in there .Seems theres some out there that have had better luck with tonys bios for them.so i think ill reinstall those now i have this problem sorted and see what happens :)

thx again





Ok strange thing just happened,I was just doing the reboot to go to the bios to get ready for the flush and i can see my bios lool.

It boots on a black screen and then goes staright into windows.

Any idea anyone on why this might be?Kinda makes it hard to flush :(



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