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New hardware Notification? errtime i boot up!! why is this popping up

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My Pc used to run fine.. all hardware was fine.. until recently when i did 2 things:

- Updated my bios to 6/23

- uninstalled all the nvidia drivers (expect video which i need)


So now everytime i boot my computer that stpid hardware notification pops up for the 3 items makred by a question mark in this photo: http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=h...reconfig9iq.gif



Why is it asking me to install the drivers everytime i boot? arnt's the ysuppose to be installed already?? how do i fix this issue please?



ps. i updated it now to the latest bios (i think 10/23 or something like that) and it still displays the same thing...



here is some other screens:




this is just annoying.. please help! thanks!!!




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ok i was able to get rid of (install) 2 of the devices by pointing it to the Nvidia drivers folder...


EXEPT the "other PCI bridge" device, that one i couldn't install.



thanks for the help.. let me know about this last one too. if you know about it

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