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DDR2 1100 anyone?

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Hehehe, I am about as giddy as an English school girl right now. Not Prime stable, but loaded into Windows none-the-less. :D


Can't wait to pair this up with a Conroe.

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But what can it do prime stable that is the only thing that matters.


I disagree that it's the only thing that matters. IMO, it's pretty kick azz to see ram speeds that high booting into Windows, even if it's not stable.


However, funny you should ask. I ran Prime 95 Blend test for 24 hours last night without a single error at DDR2 1000, with timings of 4-4-5-15 at 2.2 volts. :D

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Guest GripS

"I ran Prime 95 Blend test for 24 hours last night without a single error at DDR2 1000, with timings of 4-4-5-15 at 2.2 volts."


What is wrong with this statement. ;)

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Guest GripS

Actually i was referring to the running prime95 stable for 24 hours "last night". That's a LONG night. :D

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LOL you overall latency is going to be lower on the slower time by quite a bit so dont be suprised if that lower speed is actualy faster. Can you bench at that higher speed? might be interesting to see if any real world tests benifit. It has ben ages sence intel had a worthy offering mught be worth knowing now.

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LOL you overall latency is going to be lower on the slower time by quite a bit so dont be suprised if that lower speed is actualy faster. Can you bench at that higher speed? might be interesting to see if any real world tests benifit.


I can not bench at DDR2 1100, just boot into Windows. DDR2 1000 is completely stable though. The real world tests will have to wait, as I am limited by my cpu/cooling. In order to posts these screenies, I had to drop the multi to 14, so the cpu speed was very low. There are all kinds of dividers on this P5WD2, so it's easy to play around with the ram, but my max cpu speed is 4.2ghz, so I can't even test the ram at DDR2 1000mhz, since that would be 4.25ghz and I can't hit that. I can do DDR2 1000 with the cpu at 3.5ghz, but the bandwidth scores suck because of the cpu speed.


It has ben ages sence intel had a worthy offering mught be worth knowing now.


What? The Preslers are alrady kicking butt on the ORB, and when the Conroe's come out, kiss A64's bye bye.

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What? The Preslers are alrady kicking butt on the ORB, and when the Conroe's come out, kiss A64's bye bye.

Can you post some links to the Conroe results on the ORB?


I just searched 17 pages of results before I found this one...



14015 seems awful slow compared to the top rated AMD rig at 19886...



Even on 3DMark06 the first Intel is second on the list. It's easy to find the Intel processors in the list. Just look for the insane processor speed listing.


Besides, you won't find may fans of suicide runs in this forum. We tend to lean towards stability so you can acutally use your rig for fun and games.

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