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Temp Reading Programs

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Hello, iv been using SpeedFan for a while and think its a good program iv also used SmartGuargian aswell but i dont think that is very good at all to be honest, the problem with SpeedFan is that i can only tell that the Temp1 scare is the CPU temp, but i cant tell what the other temps are because it just goes along the lines of like temp, temp 0, temp 2 etc. and i want a new program that tells me what the temp's are for like CPU, chipset and hard drive correctly etc.


Thanks - Liam

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Hi, I've just set this MBM 5 up yesterday after finding this thread:




Read through it and use the preset / plugin files and you'll be able to monitor near enough everything on your system.

Its working great for me, had to make afew minor changes to monitor extra HDDs and make it look more to my tastes, but nothing tricky


This site rocks only had my DFI board now for about 5 days, and I've found everything I've wanted too so far!

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