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New SATA Driver, Error 51s and Hardlocks

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Hey everyone, Glad to be on the forums.


I have had a DFI LANParty nForce2 Ultra Rev A since November 2003 and I have had very few problems with it, until recently. I bought a brand new Western Digital WD2500JD hard drive (my first SATA Drive) because I wanted to go SATA and I knew my motherboard had an onboard SATA Port. I connected the drive and installed Windows XP Professional. A few days later I checked the system logs and noticed alot of those Error 51 messages.


"An error was detected on device DeviceHarddisk0D during a paging operation."


I was a bit worried about it but I ignored it for the most part. I bought The Movies recently and when I went to play it my system locked up cold and my hard drive access light was stuck on. Same thing happens with Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike:Source, whenever I run Norton Speed Disk, and HL2: Lost Coast.


I have tried everything from running a low level formating utility, changing the cable (both data and power), different drivers, flashing the BIOS, messing around with the bios settings, reinstalling Windows, Drive Diagnositcs (which say the drive is fine) and I am still nowhere. I am at a total loss as to what to do because I have to have this system stable, any ideas?


I am currently using the 2004/01/07 BIOS btw.

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