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I ran both sticks seperate for testing and got 300x10@ 2.5 4 4 8. 2t as per specs to make sure no problem with memory and they test good.

Board just does not like 2 sticks unless I go 250x12 @ 2.5 3 3 7 1t or use a divider.

No booster on the tccd's. Will try your timings.


I plan on using them on a biostar microatx tforce 939 in dual channel though cause I want to build a small lightweight rig out of an old modified e machine case so its all good.

Gonna go ahead and get that 1 gig stick for this DFI.

well, using 2T at 250 will stable those timings and bus speed up. but i wouldn't suggest running 250mhz if those are the timings you have to use.


i run 2-2-2-8-1T tight timings to the highest bus they'll go and thats about the proper way to lower your system latency, imho. the 3800~4000mb/s you may be getting running at 250mhz is a lost cause as the cpu's internal FSB of 800mhz can only use 3200mb/s once you go past that bandwidth the core can't use any more banbwidth as you're "overflowing" the core's "intake".


what i beleive to be true is running tight 2-2-2-8-1T timings to the highest bus possible with out changing any timings, thats the best performance you can get. bandwidth is a moot point and does not affect performance at this point. but this does affect how long it will take for long tasks. in the end you'll have your "big jobs" done in a shorter time and the system will have a little bit more of a snap to it. as for gaming, the latency settings on the ram aren't that important, in real world gaming. the bandwidth over 3200mb/s makes no difference either. so it makes sence to run lowered mem bus to have tighter timings so you get the best of both worlds.


well, once you get your single 1gb stick post some results in here as i'm curious if you can get tighter timings and at what bus speeds you get to in comarison to the 2x512mb sticks.



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I tried your timings and kept getting the detecting array screen.

But I was trying 300x9 cause I have robbed my water cooling and psu from the case for the micro I'm goin to build.

Havn't decided if I will put the watercooling on it tho.

Using my zalman 9500 and an antec 350 on my 754 4000+ at the moment prime stable at 217x13. 48c load with 1.35+110% and thats where I'm gonna stay till I change My mind again :)

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Start with tRAS 11, CAS3, and CMD2 for starting out to get a feal for it.


If later on you can adjust lower, or want a go at it with cas2.5 and cmd1, then do so.

Say cas2.5 cmd1, then adjust the other timings lower then 4 and see how that goes.

One at a time, do tRAS last, then tRC, then tRFC.



I run 11-3-2-3 cas3, cmd2.

I also run 3-3-2-3 cas3, cmd2.


I have a hard time with cas2.5 and cmd1.

I think I could do them a lower clocks, like 250 or 266, but it's not worth it in my opinion.

I actually get more latency with less cas at 275.

Only 3-4megs more bandwith with cas2.5, and it's not stable yet.


Cmd1 does'nt boot with the above timings at 275.



People think they need cas2.x and cmd1.

You don't really.

Cmd1 is very nice as it can add a few fps, but not much for bandwith, nethier is cas.

Perhaps at a very low fsb it does.

Maybe other non memory timings make up the diffrence for me.


On my adata, I used to run 4-4-4-4 cas2.5 and cmd1, long long ago.

It was quite fast.

But those 4 timings suck.

Even though I got 100megs more bandwith, with the lower general timings and bus timings I got now, it's much much better gaming and system wise.


My adata is alot like my samsung, just the samsung is worse.

Perhaps in the future I'll get a new batch of samsung and try that out, I'm sure I'd do alot better.


Anyways tRAS 11 can help alot.

If you can go lower, doit afterwards.

Then adjust tRFC in the end, I use 14 at 275, 13 for 272 and below anything else.


If you got a timing called tREXT, you may have to up this around 2 or 3.

Better memory can do 0 at all speeds it seems, I'm thinking so far anyways.

On other memory, it's very inportant to do higher.


My tcc5 needs 3 to pass superpi at 275.

2 diffrent sticks of old tcb3 I played with once needed 3 for 266.


Even though I got an older board, those should help you along a bit.



As for the cost of a nf4.

Around $250, board and cpu.

Thats' what I think ;).






I ran some corsair 2700 at 360 or something like that with 3-2-2-2 cas2.5 cmd1, 9-11.

It beat my adata at 280 with 4-4-4-4 15-17 I think it was, cas2.5 cmd1.

When i mean by beat, it blew my adata away, only in mame though, nothing else.

By 10-20fps(I think, either 10 or 20 lol, been a very long time) in arcade psx emulation, fgtlayer I used for testing.


I know you guys get tired of me comparing stuff from the old days, but still.

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I tried your timings and kept getting the detecting array screen.

But I was trying 300x9 cause I have robbed my water cooling and psu from the case for the micro I'm goin to build.

Havn't decided if I will put the watercooling on it tho.

Using my zalman 9500 and an antec 350 on my 754 4000+ at the moment prime stable at 217x13. 48c load with 1.35+110% and thats where I'm gonna stay till I change My mind again :)

yah 217mem bus should give you the 3200mb/s needed to satisfy the 754's internal 800mhz FSB. and your timings will help with the number crunching apps.


are you on air cooling? if so, is 2821mhz is the highest OC you can get?


IF NOT try this.....


if running your ram using 2-2-2-6 tops outs at 217mem bus, you can use the dividers to get a better cpu OC. could you try out


try 10x282 = 2820mhz using the 150 mem divider would get you a 212mem bus. then just bring the HT Bus up until your stability apps crash, then back it off till it's stable.


with the limited time i had running my 4000/nf3 DFI i was able to use the 150 mem divider to allow my ram to run 228mhz while i was using a 10x multi and a 305HT Bus to get 3200mhz cpu


so in your case, that you have 217mhz mem stable using the 150 divider, you could run the HT Bus at 290mhz and using a 10x multi your cpu would be running at 2900mhz.


on air cooling i was able to do 2900mhz easy. so it's just a thought to help maximize your mem bus to 217 2-2-2-6 and maximize your cpu at 2900mhz.



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I ran some corsair 2700 at 360 or something like that with 3-2-2-2 cas2.5 cmd1, 9-11.

It beat my adata at 280 with 4-4-4-4 15-17 I think it was, cas2.5 cmd1.

When i mean by beat, it blew my adata away, only in mame though, nothing else.

By 10-20fps(I think, either 10 or 20 lol, been a very long time) in arcade psx emulation, fgtlayer I used for testing.


I know you guys get tired of me comparing stuff from the old days, but still.

that great, so you're still running the nf2 right? you can run a 280mhz FSB/MEM Bus on an nf2? w0w. better than my best at 10x260mhz FSB/MEM Bus.



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Was just trying to help the guy out with some timings to start with...


I did'nt say it was better then your previous setp.

Matter of fact that 280 sucked, very bad timings, 4000megs a sec don't mean squat when it's not fast.

I'm running over 3900m a sec now in single chan and it's much better then that ever was, at 275.


Not only that it was 280x5.

This is 275x8.



Main timings are extremly inportant.

Anyways like I said, trying to help the guy out with some basic ones to use.

I was'nt hijacking the thread.






The corsair was 181 I think it was x2, which is around 360.

The data back in the day was 280x2, which is 560.

When I say that quote noticed that looked a bit off to me and may confuse people...

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yah 217mem bus should give you the 3200mb/s needed to satisfy the 754's internal 800mhz FSB. and your timings will help with the number crunching apps.


are you on air cooling? if so, is 2821mhz is the highest OC you can get?


IF NOT try this.....


if running your ram using 2-2-2-6 tops outs at 217mem bus, you can use the dividers to get a better cpu OC. could you try out


try 10x282 = 2820mhz using the 150 mem divider would get you a 212mem bus. then just bring the HT Bus up until your stability apps crash, then back it off till it's stable.


with the limited time i had running my 4000/nf3 DFI i was able to use the 150 mem divider to allow my ram to run 228mhz while i was using a 10x multi and a 305HT Bus to get 3200mhz cpu


so in your case, that you have 217mhz mem stable using the 150 divider, you could run the HT Bus at 290mhz and using a 10x multi your cpu would be running at 2900mhz.


on air cooling i was able to do 2900mhz easy. so it's just a thought to help maximize your mem bus to 217 2-2-2-6 and maximize your cpu at 2900mhz.




Yes on air with zalman 9500.

Not the highest overclock I can get but I am hovering at 48 to 49c at load after primin all night.

217x13 IS the highest my memory will go at and 2.8v.


282x10 with 150 div. would put my mem at 201 and 166 div. would put it at 235.

290x10 would put the mem at 207.

Do you have memfreq 1.1 ? Handy little tool just google it.

Gotta get ready for work...Later

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Yes on air with zalman 9500.

Not the highest overclock I can get but I am hovering at 48 to 49c at load after primin all night.

217x13 IS the highest my memory will go at and 2.8v.


282x10 with 150 div. would put my mem at 201 and 166 div. would put it at 235.

290x10 would put the mem at 207.

Do you have memfreq 1.1 ? Handy little tool just google it.

Gotta get ready for work...Later

oic, ya i knew the dividers weren't straight on since it divides off the core frequency.


but you get the idea tho, so my point got across right?


i'll go google the tool you use.



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oic, ya i knew the dividers weren't straight on since it divides off the core frequency.


but you get the idea tho, so my point got across right?


i'll go google the tool you use.




Yes I know what your sayin. Thx

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Yes I know what your sayin. Thx
i have app that you input your HT Bus and the multi and you select the mem divider and it'll give you the cpu frequency abd the mem frequency. since i know the developer and i'm not sure if he's going to release it or not, if you would like, i could upload it to my FTP and give you a link to DL it. the problem is the same one the mobo gives you, the 166 mem divder isn't exactly running a 166mhz mem bus.



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well, i got my new DFI NF3-250GB LP-UT 754 mobo back yesterday. I've been steady tweaking and stress testing it. Good news, my Newark 4000 didn't get fried, unlike my X800Pro, which i got back from Asus replacement. All I'm waiting for now is my 7800GS and my water pump parts.


I'm running on air since i havn't gotten my new parts for my pump yet from asetek. I'm using the 948U that i was leant with my TT Smart Fan II controlled by Smart Gardian which works really well. When the cpu isn't overclocked the cpu fan turns off compltetly, which is a little unerving. At 25C it's running like really quite, maybe 6volts. Then it will speed up and down as cpu temps raise and fall. At 45C it hits full spin. I'm really loving this Smart Gardian app. it's nice to not hear my 50+dbls fan ripping my ears off, but it's still not as quite as wehn i get my water cooling running, can't wait for that.


so, i've been twekaing on it for a day and half and i've got it 100% Load S&M Stable and 100% 3DMark bench stable under all 3DMark Bench suites. Just gotts get that 7800GS back for some decent 3DMark scores :) . Then my water cooling goes back on :) .


i'm running: XP4900+ (3GHz, HT Bus DDR480, Mem Bus DDR460 2.0-2-2-8-7-16-Autos-Tref3632-1T)





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