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Refuses to POST

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Lo Chaps, please bear with me first post and a bit long winded unfortunately.


My current rig consists of whats in my sig as well as a Hyper Type R 580W PSU. Basically it refuses to POST. All the fans spin up and LED's light up but nothing happens. If i clear the CMOS it works fine and i use the system every night for various tasks including sum heavy Battlefield 2 gaming loads and it has never once crashed or BSOD'd


If when i get it to POST (by clearing CMOS) and go into BIOS and then exit without saving the board will reboot and POST just fine, but if i go into BIOS and Save any settings (even if its only the time ive changed) it will not Reboot or therefore POST. To rectify this problem i have tried:


1) Using 1 stick of known working RAM

2) Tried with the board both in and out of the case

3) Replaced the BIOS chip

4) Tried various different BIOS versions


All of which were unsuccesful. I have also had the same problem with an Asus A8N-SLI SE and a Gigabyte K8N-SLI so my problems are clearly not motherboard related.


Onto the DFI.


My Lanparty UT SLI-DR arrived yesterday and followed Angry_Games' guide to the letter (ensuring all 4 power connectors were connected) as well as the front panel LED diagnositc unit. Set up on the mobo box with no electrical contacts (thus no possibility of any shorting)


Turned on using the onboard button and fans spin, all LED's light up and it simply stays like that. All 4 diagnostic LED's stay on so i can only assume either the CPU is borked OR the mobo isnt even attempting to POST.


As i say, when i clear the CMOS on my Asus board i use the CPU to play BF2 pretty much everyday without any instability and have run Memtest on the RAM with no errors.


I cleared the CMOS on the DFI board and had the same problem as first boot. All lights up but nobodies home. After trying 4 different boards from 2 different retailers and 3 different Manufacturers i now refuse to beleive this is a motherboard issue, then on the other hand i use the GPU, CPU and RAM on my Asus board everday (i just have to clear CMOS to turn it on) without any BSOD or crashes.


Any Help with be received with immense thanks. This is really beggining to yank my crank now! grrrr :rolleyes: :mad:

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If you followed the guide to the letter you tried to boot up with one stick of RAM in the orange slot farthest from the CPU. Is this correct?


Try switching sticks.


Do a "long" CMOS clear.


When you clear CMOS did you unplug the PSU and I think it is a good idea to push the power button to drain the capacitors of any residual charge.


Good luck.

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If you followed the guide to the letter you tried to boot up with one stick of RAM in the orange slot farthest from the CPU. Is this correct?


Try switching sticks.


Do a "long" CMOS clear.


When you clear CMOS did you unplug the PSU and I think it is a good idea to push the power button to drain the capacitors of any residual charge.


Good luck.


Correct regarding the Ram Stick location, orange slot furthest from CPU.


Yer, the PSU was disconnected and power button pressed to discharge capacitors the moved jumper to Clear Pins then replaced onto normal pins. (for about 15 seconds)


I genuinely dont think this is a motherboard issue as its happened with 4 different boards now. The 2 Asus boards would only POST after i clear the CMOS and the Gigabyte and DFI boards will not even POST at all. Im fairly sure im not damaging the boards in anyway as all the ones ive sent back have been tested as working before i received a refund. Im leaning toward a component problem, but again, that doesnt explain why all the components work when i clear the CMOS on my current Asus board. I dont intend on sending the DFI back, but it'd be nice to at least make some head way :rolleyes: .

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