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help! cant get system running

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hey guys. new to the forums. i built a new system based on the rdx series and can't get it to boot. i have it sitting out of the case with just the proc, memory, and card install ( heatsink also) and the leds are 4 across the board but dont change. it been running for an hour like this. its driving me nuts. i don't get any sounds from the speaker or anything. i took out the ram and nothing changes. card nothing changes. i even took everything out but the board itself and powered it and it runs but doesnt say anything. what could be going on? i read one post with the same prob but other than that nothing? could dfi have finnally gone bad? my last board. pro875 was a dream.

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Welcome to DFI-street!


You've a set of 1x1024 which might be difficult to run the first time. Have you tryed to put one memory module in the furtherst slot from the CPU? Sometimes that what's needed to start with. If you get this to work after you qualified your RAM with Memtest, it could be good to do the whole OS installation with just one module of RAM. When everything is setup, it could be time to try out both.


You have some good guides at this forum:





I hope this might help in some way.

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thanks for the quick reply. maybe i should put a little more detail in. lol. ive built systems before. i have 2x 1 gig sticks of mushkin. i need to work on my sig better. lol. im about to try one last time and then calling it a night. well early morning and start up tomorrow. i just hope i dont have to return the board. if so im going asus just because i cant deal with another problem and a half. thanks though. ill be back with some updates.



well i just tried it again. left the cmos to reset about 15 mins then the one stick and all that. it starts up but the 4 leds just stay lit and my screen wont come on. nothing.


i dont have a spare pci vid card to check but i dont think its that.

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hey. okay. all four leds stay lit. just started back up. even with all components out and just the mobo on it stays lit. when i put in the cpu and heatsink with one stick in the orange slot and the x1900xt still 4 leds. if i take out the memory. no beeps or anything. its like its just hanging.

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you mean the 24 pin. its a 20 pin+ 4 pin that does it.


the psu didnt come with a 12volt plug just 24 pin not 8 but it has a 8 pin to dual 4 pin outs for pce-e. i didnt try that cause i dont think it would work and i have the floppy power installed. im about to test an ecs board i just bought to see if everything works in that board.




okay i tried the ecs board. works perfect. booted up to the bios. x2 4400 all the ram great. so i know i didnt blow that out. is 31c for sys temp and 40 c cpu temp bad for out of the case x2?


gotta get ready for work but when i come back i have a guess what to try. i got a 8 pin to dual 4 pin outlet from my psu. i think its not getting enough power. i plugged in the 4 pin and the 24 pin ( in other words all power adapters on the ecs) and it booted great. before i didnt connect the 4 pin and the ecs wouldnt boot. so should i plug in the dual 4 pins into the single pin slot? connectors look identical to one i saw online that was a straight 8 pin. any thoughts. thanks guys.

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My PSU has the following power connectors; 1 x 20 pin and 3 x 4 pin.

One cable has the 20 pin and a 4 pin connector which clip together for the 24 pin connector on the motherboard and the other two 4 pin connectors clip together for the 8 pin power connector on the motherboard.

You should only need to connect a floppy power cable to the connector at the side of the 1st PCIe graphics slot if you need extra juice when running Crossfire.

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well would it help if i connected the 8 pic the floppy and the 24 pin all together. im about to try.



HAHAHa a breakthrough. i connected the dual 4 pins to make a single 8 pin and it worked. im an idiot. i could have tried last night at lik 2 am but was scared that it might screw something up. now its atleast beeping. ill take anything at this point. bout to install other things to try. :shake:

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okay new problem. now its starting and boots to the lanparty screen but its all messed up. it does the start up but then after all the leds go through their motions everything slows down alot and you can hear all the fans kinda die down. the x1900 goes from its jet speed to no speed and it just seems like not enough power is gettin to it. its the aerocool 550 thats rated for sli and should easily handle my setup.


works fine on the other board btw.

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okay. its now working pretty well. it completly skips the testing ( memory check, checking to see if drives are their) and goes straight to the sata raid thing. how can i make it do the screen where it shows my processor and details of the drives and stuff? btw. also. does it normally take about 10 to 15 secs for the splash screen to stay there then go away?


i need to find in the bios where to keep the cpu fan always at 100%. the leds also drop a lot of the intensity cause the fan goes to near silent. fan mate put on kills the fan altogether even when turned up. lol zalman cps9500

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