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will not boot

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I have tried everything on this unit and just cannot get this thing to boot... :( I have tried one stick of ram in oj slots (alternated ram) and also tried yellow slots. I have all the power connections connected but my PS does not have the P4 4 pin adapter (not sure i need with amd?)... I have reseated the cpu and hs and when doing so cleaned everything and reapplied artic silver compound. I have read the book over and over and quaduple checked all the jumpers. I have only the ps, mobo, ram, vid hooked out outside of the case and when I hit the power button on the mobo everything sounds like it is going to work but nothing happens. The 4 leds all stay on solid orange and never go down to 3 2 1 etc... From what I am gathering the cpu is not picking up... I do not have parts to test cpu etc out as this is new pc and none of my old pc's parts will move over except my drives (which are disconnected). I am at a loss and am unsure where to go from here as I have tried clearing cmos as well. I never get any video at all :( Could the mobo just be a bad board or possible the cpu is fried...? I was very precautious when building to touch the case and ground out static etc. Does anyone have any ideas for me to try out or does it look like RMA time? TIA Hope I didn't leave anything out as it is late and I am a bit tired >.<



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So u do not have the 4-pin power connector plugged which is beside the 24-pin plug? I think thats pretty important..

At this moment, if you are not bale to test any of the hardware, only thing i can think of is to do a looong cmos clear...

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So u do not have the 4-pin power connector plugged which is beside the 24-pin plug? I think thats pretty important..

At this moment, if you are not bale to test any of the hardware, only thing i can think of is to do a looong cmos clear...


My Antec does not have the 4 pin connector at all... :( Anyone else have any other thoughts?


This is the power supply that I have


Power Supply

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HOw come.. i have the Antec TP2 480 and I have a 4-pin connector?

am I using the wrong cable ? :D


Pulled this from the newegg notes for my power supply



Cons: The only con is that no where was it specified that if you need to use the 12V 4 pin connector you have to seperate the 8 pin into two 4 pin connectors.



DOH!@#!@#$ This was the issue all along, so now I feel a bit stupid :( Thanks to Madu for making me feel like a complete newb making me research more on my parts lol... Funny thing is that I cannot find that info anywhere in the damn PS manual!!!


P.S. That 8 pin looked like a solid plastic connector, you have to look at it real close to see its actually 2x4 pins.

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