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I'm so excited!!!

fst h2o

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So how's it running? Like you, I just put my rig together from scratch and have been very happy with it thus far. I have the CPU @ 2.4Ghz, 1:1, with 1.475v VCORE and RAM timings at 2.5,3,3,8 1T. No problems thus far and the system is fast and stable. You bought similar parts, so I hope your rig is up and running good as well... ;)

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I only have it running at optimized defaults. I really haven't gotten to play with it much. I just got it up and running and tested stability. I've played several hours of KOTOR, and it runs great. Areas where previously I had to turn down graphics settings run smooth as silk with graphics maxed out. I then had to leave for work (I work in the oil field, and stay in a trailer on location), and was too lazy to bring it with me. It is sitting at home waiting for me to get home in a week.

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I only have it running at optimized defaults. I really haven't gotten to play with it much. I just got it up and running and tested stability. I've played several hours of KOTOR, and it runs great. Areas where previously I had to turn down graphics settings run smooth as silk with graphics maxed out. I then had to leave for work (I work in the oil field, and stay in a trailer on location), and was too lazy to bring it with me. It is sitting at home waiting for me to get home in a week.


Sounds like it's rockin dude, hope you enjoy it... :D

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Actually two weeks (I've been gone a week already), but I'm patient. The parts sat at home for a week before I got to put them together. I will have about two weeks off when I get back, and much of that will be spent tinkering with it.

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