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AMD 64 3000+ LanParty Ultra-d


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Hi All,


I have some problems overclocking my sistem (look at sign).

Particulary, I can't find good timings for my rams in order to overclock the cpu.

Any1 can help me with this pc ?

With current timings I can't overclock the cpu enough to improve performance on games (I spend a lot of time playing 3d games such as WoW,CoD2,Hl2..)

I've tried to read Overclocking Guide linked in this forum but im not english and I can't understand the whole content..Need Help Plz!

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Now i'm not sure how much you can go higher with your G.Sklls....

What do you mean good timings to overclock the cpu?

The ram will not overclock your cpu.. you have to overclock them seperately..

WHat is your htt/fsb now?

Fisrt put your mem on 1/2 divider and overclock the cpu.. find how far your cpu can go..

Then find how far your ram can go..

First put the mem on 1/2 divider and increase the cpu.. post back with your results..

Good luck man..!

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Ok , Thanks a lot for quicly replies..

I've made some tests, currently my overclock is:


HTT 250

Multiplier x 9.0

Core Speed 2250.5 MHz

Voltage 1.360 (Default)

vDRAM 2.80 (I don't remember exactly, im going to reboot and check)



Frequency of Ram setted in bios 166 MHz(5/06)



Command Per Clock (CPC) Disabled(2T)

CAS 3.0


RAS pre 3

Cycle Time 6


Whit this setting My pc get a blue-error once a day (cause temps?)

I tried to launch MemTest86+, After 8 hours I could read "14k" errors...

Temps are always under 35°C for CPU, and around 45-47°C for PWM IC and CHIPSET on full work (100% pc usage)


Any suggestion ?

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As a sugestion you cab increase your cpu voltage a bit more.. but since you are getting errors in memtest I guess it wuld be the rams.. did you find out how much voltage you can give to your rams.. some rams like more voltage...

So you are running your ram at 208 right?

U didn the memtest with this setting right?

DId you rin the memtest at 200 (stock)?

How many passes you make before getting errors?

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As a sugestion you cab increase your cpu voltage a bit more.. but since you are getting errors in memtest I guess it wuld be the rams.. did you find out how much voltage you can give to your rams.. some rams like more voltage...

So you are running your ram at 208 right?

U didn the memtest with this setting right?

DId you rin the memtest at 200 (stock)?

How many passes you make before getting errors?


Right, Now im running at 208

I did memtest with bot settings, with stock one i get error at test#7 (I think it's fault of not correct timings);

haven't check exactly with current settings, but there are many errors too!



Moved htt to 240 :



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So hows it running now.. also whats your ldt/fsb multi at?

Hows the 240 going now? whats your mem running now?


Did you try memtesting at a lower multi.. i mean making it run lower than 200...?

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