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best memory for my opty 148 overclock?


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ok, first of all. heres a screenshot:




my BIOS is set as follows:

FSB: 273

Multiplier: 11

HTT: 4x

CPU VID Control: 1.5

CPU VID Special Control: Above VID * 110%

DRAM Voltage: 2.70v

DRAM Frequency Set: 150

Memory: 2.5-3-3-7


i know my dividers are low as heck and i talked to newegg and they agreed to take the ram back and im gonna use the money towards a 2 gb kit. here are the 2 that i am torn between:


GSkill 2gb


OCZ 2 gb


what do u guys think? thanks for any input :D

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Is that prime stable?! If so congrats! First I would make sure you can not go higher and second that you are prime stable at that speed. Are you prime 3dmark and othwise stable?


ive run Prime95 on this pc for 48 hours straight with no errors and i can pass SuperPI32M in almost 28 mins :confused:


ive run just about every test and its stable as a rock, but my memory is holding me back!

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Can't go wrong with G.Skill kit, that's for sure. My setup is very similar except I havn't had the courage to juice up my CPU to 1.65v :eek:


im at 1.5 right now with VID Special * 110% i believe. still stable, but i need to get my memory timings up. hopefully these GSKills will have me running 1:1 :shake:

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