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Secret Unorthodox Big Typhoon Tip


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I installed the Big Typhhon yesterday thanks to the help of you guys that helped. I was concerned that the HS wasn't giving all it's potential due to it hanging sideways and probably pulling the top part of the HS off of the CPU, or at best, unbalancing the contact pressure. I wanted to find a way to take pressure/gravity off of the HS. Luckily the bottom of my upside-down Aspire 520W PS had a fan there with a protective shroud. I took a piece of yarn and tied it to the PS shroud then tied the other end to the fan shroud of the Big Typhoon.


It lowered the CPU idle temp by 4 degrees! I'm serious!


TIP: Make sure you only put enough tension on the yarn to counter-balance the weight of the HS. Over doing it will not do any good because you will be creating the problem you're trying to solve by lifting off the lower part of the HS.


If you try this be sure to run ITE SmartGuardian as you do it to watch the temps go down. Please post back here with your Before and After Temps.

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NOTICE: These temps are NOT the before and after of installing the Big Typhoon. They are the before and after of adjusting the Big Typhoon.


Thanks for reminding me to post my temps.



Before: 30-32 degrees Celsius

After: 26-28 degrees Celsius*



Before: 44-46 degrees Celsius

After: 39-41 degrees Celsius**


These temps were captured using ITE SmartGuardian.




* lowered by 4 degrees Celsius

** lowered by 5 degrees Celsius

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Still at work, but those are some nice temps!


My current bios has a glitch in the thermalsensor (or something), so my idle temp is 39C and load about 46C. These are actually 10 degrees lower, which I found out when I used the latest beta bios. Cause of stablity problems (which were not biosrelated, but found that out afterwards) I decided to go back to the latest official one. I use MBM5 for the thermal readouts btw.


Home in about an hour, will post then. Are you running stock or OC'ed?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried your idea, but my results aren't as pretty as yours. I see no temp difference at all. Think i secured it well enough from the beginning. I'm gonna keep it like this, though. Just to releave the socket from the tension this cooler gives.


Thanks for the good idea! ;)

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