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Dual chanel problem ??

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hello, I have a problem with motherboard. he is the following one:

I have this kit of 2x512 F1-3200DSU2-1GBFX, and it does not pass memest86 to me in default. it gives errors me in test 5-7, but of 427 errors. I cannot enter the bios, because when keeping it is disappointed, although does not modify anything.

I gave back them to the house where it buys them, and they say to me, that with other mother, they do not have problems. I have proven another one kit, to corsair, and it happens to me the same.

But in single chanel, I do not have any problem. I have proven all the present versions of the bios, even the beta, and they do not solve the problem to me.



1- they are eslots spoiled?

2- are incmplatble the plate and the memos with dual chanel? :s


Thanks for the aid, and sorry by the badly English.


P.D: please, respond to me grammarly correct, since I use translator.

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Welcome to DFI-street.com!


Do the following:


- disconnect all sata-drives before powerup

- just use one stick of ram (so remove the second one)

- enter bios and set bios to "optimal" settings

- save and exit

- boot memtest86 and select test 5

- do a couple of passes


If you get errors:

- replace stick with the other one and repeat the steps above or

- change slots (from orange to yellow or vice versa)


If you don't get errors:

- put back second stick and try memtest86 again


If everything works out ok and you are "error free":

- power down

- connect satadrives again

- (hopefully) boot into windows

- Run memtest86 overnight (standard test minimum 8 hours)


Buena suerte! ;)

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Stef@n thanks, by your rapidity. ;)

It is a pleasure to be and to learn with you.

Hare the steps that you comment to me late this, and hos it comment. The Gskill, has me k to give back. But it will prove with generic ones, if they give the failures in all slots (yellow and orange me) then we could say, that they do not work truth well?



P.D: Also it happens to me with IDE HD. S-ATA is not the problem, I think!


Thanks again.

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Ok, if I deciphered your response correctly (which took me a couple of times reading), you want to know if you can conclude that the ram is broken if you tried all of the slots and still get errors in memtest?


Could be. But I would try to see if you can test the sticks in another system. If errors are still turning up, then it probably safe to conclude that you have bad ram. Otherwise it's probably the mobo.

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Dear 306EXTREM,


For Gskill to work correct, EVEN at default speed and settings , you will have to manually set each setting in the bios.

I had a likewise problem when i first got this board and used my Gskill sticks.

I left everthing at default and my PC refused to boot!

There's perhaps some incompatibility issue with this board and the SPD's (SPD is the chip where al the stock settings of a memory module are kept in EEPROM) found on Gskill TCCD sticks.


If those Gskill wont't work in an nF3 Ultra-D the don't have to be broken. Test them in another PC/mobo

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well, I have test with memories with Chips NANYA, 2x512@200//2-3-3-5 1 T in eslots oranges, and it has given problems me, in the test # 6. Memest86, did not respond, and I have had k to reinitiate.

Entering Windows, @200//3-3-3-8, it is hung when it sounds music. Nevertheless with a single memory, as I am now I do not have problems.


because single I have problems in dual chanel? that it can be incompatible?


thanks to all, ;)

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these memos, G.Skill Extreme Series// F1-4800DSU2-1GBFF arrived to me yesterday, at the moment in the first tests, does not happen to me the same. Ire proving with memest86, and ire informing into the new situation. Thanks to all for your interest. ;)

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