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Help w/ OC! Is my dfi bad Oc.er ?


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just curious, how much did that venice cost you?


I'm in Brasil, so, in Dollars it is about 220,00 ...


I dont know what can i do to get at least 2.8, or 2.85 ....


Some people says that spend a lot of time tweaking, testing, testing testing... so... im no newbie, but.. I tryed the bios 623-3 , 704bta, 704bt, change the memo to yellow slots, tryed only one stick of memo.... my temps are ok ( 1.6v, 46 C full load )

my power suplicy are ok ( modstream 520W ), im using a ati rage pro PCI 8mb, so power is not the problem...


......... because always have some job to do, witch video encoding and i need this powerfull processor working...

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A did a rough search on the old t' internet and didn't find anything for LBBWE above 2.5Ghz that wasn't on Phased cooling.


I got mine Venice 3200 to 2.4 stable at 1.5V with a 5yr old 350W PSU.


This is fine for me as I'm a gamer more than an OC'er. What are you trying to achieve and why?

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