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AMD X2 3800+ Overclocking.


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Ive found a stable nice point @ 2.6GHZ

I would like to get my ram @ 200 also.. because im running divider that makes it running 185MHZ.





AMD X2 3800+

CORSAIR TWINX2048C2 (2.5-3-3-6 1T)

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Have you ran any long stability tests (prime for 8-10 hours) to make sure that the cpu is actually stable @ 2600mhz.. ?


Thats something you want to do before you start moving the ram up in speed..


Yeah, i had prime95 runnin both cores @ 12 hours so its stable.

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Yeah, i had prime95 runnin both cores @ 12 hours so its stable.

Is it this kind of calculating ive got to do?



Now that you found the max of your CPU and ram it should be a little easier to clock it together..


Lets say your CPU maxed out at 2800mhz with its default multi of 12x.. But your ram maxes out at 250mhz..


12x 250 = 3000mhz.. That won’t work ..lol..


11x 250 = 2750mhz .. That will work but your cheating yourself 50mhz of CPU power.


12x 233 = 2796MHz .. That will work and get you closer to the max of your CPU. And running the ram little slower then the max you found before to achieve the higher CPU MHz might also allow you to tighten up the ram timings a little.


Now there is always the option to use a divider for your ram which will get you closer to your CPU and RAM’s max....


10(CPU multi) x 278(HTT) = 2780mhz (CPU speed)


If you use a 910 divider with this config…


278 10 x 9 = 250mhz (mem speed)

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Have you followed the part of the oc guide that explains how to find the max of your mem ?



Yes, but my memory wont go over 208MHZ stable and alot of people is having the same problem with DFI mobo's and Corsair TWINX2048C2. Thats why i want to run DDR400.

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Yes, but my memory wont go over 208MHZ stable and alot of people is having the same problem with DFI mobo's and Corsair TWINX2048C2. Thats why i want to run DDR400.


I haven't had much luck with OC my memory either. You can see I have the same as yours. This is why I have it at a nice 5/6 Divider keeping it at 200Mhz.

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You can try to run 289x9=2601mhz, LDTx3 and mem divider 140(Mhz)(7/10).. This will give you a mem speed of 200mhz..


Sometimes using a different combination of htt and divders work..


I tried that. Mine wasn't stable. Don't want to raise my voltage to the CPU any more. It is starting to get hot. Maybe others will have better luck.

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