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DFI SLI-DR Expert + Crucial Ballisitx Tracer DDR500(2x512) = Bad Combo

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Hey everyone, I am hoping someone can help me regarding an issue that I am having. Over the weekend I upgraded my motherboard to the DFI SLI-DR Expert. I did alot of studying before I put this together since everyone says that the DFI boards are more complicated than most. I started off with one stick of ram in the #1 yellow slot. System posted fine so I went into the bios. Mainly just changed a few things as needed such as date/time, boot priority, ect. When I went to save the bios and restart there was no post, so I attempted to try and get the board to post without resetting the CMOS, however nothing would make it post. So I reset the CMOS and it posted fine, so I went into the BIOS again and did not change anything and exited the BIOS. No post again, even with not changing anything in BIOS. So I threw in my other stick and took that one out, same thing exactly. Now I was getting frustrated, if I did a fresh reset on the CMOS and hit esc and chose to boot from cd i could start loading windows. However when windows got to the point where it had to restart there would be no post again. I was at my brothers house and he took his ballistix out of his computer and handed them to me. I put them in and boom, restarted fine and I could make changes to BIOS and save them...wow..lol. So I finished loading windows and everything was working fine. So he put my ram in his computer and is running my sticks with no issues at all. Perfectly stable, even at 265!!! The only difference between our ram is mine is the Tracer version and was ordered about a month or two before his were ordered. And even with his ram I cannot run it above 208 or I get memtest errors regardless of timings and voltages. I really love my Tracer ram and would like to continue using them, however they will not work on my setup. I contacted Crucial regarding this and they said they had no idea why it would do this but they would replace them for me. So does any one have any ideas regarding this issue??? Should I send my ram back and try another pair? Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated. For system info see my sig. Thanks in advance.

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OK, update guys...even though no one responded.


I got my ram back from RMA last night. This ram will actually let me post at stock speeds 200, but errors out in memtest like crazy. Even after burning the ram in all night. I can run 166 with no errors, but that is as high as it will let me go without giving me errors regarless of timiings/voltages. :( Regardless of what timing I use I am unable to get memtest86 stable at even 200. And this ram is supposed to be able to hit 250 using 3-4-4-8 . If someone could please help me regarding this issue I would greatly appreciate it. Is someone else using ballistix tracer 512MB stick??? What timings are you using?

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Man if you do a search of this forum section you are in now for crucial ballistix you will see issues. Period for Ballistix.


Then swap to the overclocking data base and do search for Ballistix and there you will find 'relative' configurations and complete dram configuration timings for the expert board as posted by users.


Then swap to the stock speed data base and do search or since short glance down to the boards listed and tested products and look at any entry there that has Crucial Ballistix in it and 'again' you will have a baseline to work from.


Now there are three locations that should show baseline for you to work YOUR personal system configuration from since no two setups EVER SEEM to be the same. You might as well get to testing your system with those baselines using memtest86 as a guide toward success.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I just got an expert board myself.


First thing is in yellow slots it didnt even let me install windows.


Switching my ballistix over to orange slots fixed some of the problems. Installed windows, but memtest still gives me some errors.

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Try this


DRAM Drive Strength = 8

DRAM Data Drive Strength = 4


I was able to get ballistix stable to 290 by manually setting that. However I still got rid of my Ballistix, it was time to upgrade to 2GB anyways...lol


good luck and let me know how it works out for you.

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