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Fsb, Ltd/fsb, Cpu/fsb Oh My!


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Having fun ;-). Here's where I am at.


set RAM to 100Mhz (1:02)

LTD 3x

Multi 10


Slowly worked the CPU up to 2500 (250x10). At that point I had to increase vcore. Put vcore to 1.404 (1.350x104%). Continued to test with Super Pi until I hit 260 at which point it was totally unstable. Backed it down to 255 and was stable with SuperPi but almost immediately got errors with Prime95. Backed it down to 250 and I am solid so far...Prime95 has been running for 4 hours with no issues.


Here is my question. Prime95 is running with small ftt and my PC doesn't even seem to be breaking a sweat. Windows Task Manager is showing Prime95 only using 50% of the CPU. I'm sitting here doing all sorts of other things at the same time with no problems....


Am I missing some setting on Prime95 or something? Should it be pushing 100% all the time?

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Prime95 is running at 50% because you are only stressing one processor. When it says 50%, it means one processor at 100% and one at 0%. You need to run two iterations of Prime95 at the same time.


Look here:


for a string in which I asked and was told how to run Prime95 on both cores at the same time. You may find that you crash at a little lower speed once you stress both processors at the same time. Eventually, however, you might also find some more speed. I think your processor is a lot like my Opteron, and I've primed mine at 300 x 9 before dialing it back in concern over heat.

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So I ran two instances of Prime95 (one on each core) for 10 hours 21 minutes stable!


CPU never went above 30c


Here are my results


I feel I could go higher with even more voltage, but I am not comfortable with that...in fact, I am happy with 2500 (a 500Mhz increase on air!!!).


gotta say I love my DFI!


So am I now ready to test how high my RAM will go? or is there anything further I need to do with my CPU first?

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another question, in what scenario would I want to bring down the multiplier from 10? Is keeping it at 10 and playing with the FSB bus the way to go?


you will want to lower your multiplier to test the limits of your ram without pushing your cpu (the vice-versa part), example: if your stock is 10x200=2000 setting the cpu multi to 8 (8x200=1600) will let you push your ram all the way up to 250 (8x250=2000) without over clocking the cpu, which takes it out of the equasion when you hit instability. i will usually start there, and then go even lower with the proc multi at stock proc voltage if i want to test my ram higher than 250.


nice job on the proc clocking btw, and its not taking much voltage to get it there either :) you're pickin things up fast

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This is in the OC guide-

Originally Posted by Angry_Games


On the DFI NF4 Lanparty motherboards, Oskar has designed the HTT/LDT Multiplier to Auto Adjust according to your clock speeds. You can still manually adjust the LDT multiplier, but we have always been able to leave it on Auto, even @ DDR600 speeds.




On the DFI NF4 DAGF/Infinity and the DFI NF3 250Gb Lanparty, you MUST adjust the LDT Multiplier accordingly as it is not designed to Auto Adjust.


I haven't read where anybody has mentioned that in this thread. Do you guys disagree with this? Should the HTT/LDT multiplier be set manually? So far I've just left mine on Auto and I don't think it has presented a problem. But, I've only been overclocking for a couple of days, so I'm a rank amateur at best. :)

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You guys have been extremely helpful thusfar, especially Madian225's step-by-step.


I found finding my optimal CPU speed pretty easy.


I have started on the RAM, and I gotta say, for me, it is 100x harder. The second I change one setting I can't even boot :-(


Are there certain DRAM settings I should be concentrating on at first while I clock up while maintaining stability?

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Memory is the hardest part, espesially with the DFI board you have. 100's f setting and any one slightly wrong you may experience problems.


Best thing to do is just start with the top few options and try it then. Someone may have your memory and give you a good idea of what to try, but it varies from one stick to another, so womeone may get better results than you do with them sticks of yours, or vise versa.


Can i ask what FSB you got on the processor to get the 2.5 your happy with?


EDIT: i see you have 2/3/2/5 as your sttings for your memory, you will not get these timings work with t1 on much over 200FSB, Depending on your FSB now, if 250FSB id try 2.5/4/4/8 to be safe and then lower it from there. If that fails, change the 2.5 to 3.


Keep lowering these top settings till you get good runs in memtest and your happy with the resualts before going into even more detail that the wonderful DFI boards allow you to. These are the main settings you should be more worried about. After you've done them, play with the others 1 by 1 using the save funtion on the board to your advantage


Hope this helps a bit ;)


P.S, excuse my bad spelling

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Thanks, that's what I was wondering...so basically mess with the 2-3-2-5...with everything set to the defaults (AUTO) the board recognizes the Tcl as 2.5, which I figured I wouldn't be at two with an OC anyway.


Can i ask what FSB you got on the processor to get the 2.5 your happy with?


250x10 with 1.4vcore


so, the other thing I am confused about is how actually test the RAM (by ramping it up). So I should drop the multiplier, set the FSB back to 200 keep the DRAM at 1/01 and slowly work the FSB up???

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got to 220 with the ram, above that errors in Memtest...loosened to 3-3-3-8 1T errors in memtest, increased VDIMM, errors in memtest. changed to 2T...BAM hit 250 3-3-3-8...so far so good.


What a diff changing the CPC made! I re-read the thread Angry wrote on the differences between 1T and 2T, so I am pretty happy so far...


Going to continue pushing...testing...


and oh yea, How cool is it that this DFI board has Memtest built into the BIOS...frickin' cool I tell ya! ;-)

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Just to make sure, DFI have 2 settings the opposite way around than most boards,


You should be able get 1T. If you set it to 250Hz, DRAMM to 200(1:01), enable, 3/3/8/3 in the bios your memory should be able do that easilly. Have you got your memory in DIMM1 + DIMM3? If not try that, and if that doesnt work try DIMM 2 + DIMM 4 depending weather your memory is BH-5 or TCCD respectivly. If you have it in DIMM 1 + DIMM 2/ DIMM 3 + DIMM 4 this is wrong, you wont be able get T1 in this configuration, this could be your problem.



My PC's down so sorry for long wait fir reply


Hope this helps

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