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yeah you can up the voltage on the card to get a better oc, thats what i did, but it didnt help me very much cause i just have stock cooling and it reached its peak pretty darn quick. My next step once i get my comp. fixed is to get a third party cooling solution for my card so i can up the speed a bit. So i guess the answer is yes you can up the voltage, and yes you will need better cooling than stock to get the max out of it.





hers some links of third party coolers.







found an opinion from a guy that bought one

heres a rather in depth review that i found as well.



Edited by andrusk

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sure, just pull the plug the minute you see artifacts. I uped my voltage and upped my card and starting seeing artifacts so i stopped, and i have stock cooling. You should be fine as long as you dont let it run too long with artifacts on the screen. ;)

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