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Incrase LDT Voltage gives me Stability, Enter here!


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max LDT voltage seems to be 1.3V, while default is 1.2V. are you talking about chipset voltage instead?


On NF3 I think chipset volts = LDT Volts. I went back through the postings but still don't get why a separate setting for LDT volt ~ NF3.

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Expert Mobo seems can do 1.5v on LDT. I failed on OCCT test with 278@9 with my 3000+ and that was 1.2v LTD vol, then I bumped that to 1.3 and also I bumped chipset from 1.56v to 1.59v with no Vcore changes and it passed. So seems like either LDT or chipset or both of them helped stabilize the system.

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I have re-tested with raised LDT. I thought that raising the LDT voltage from 1.2 to 1.3 made my 175 stable at 2700 MHz.


But I changed three things at once, lowered from 2705 to 2695, lower RAM (RAM is not suspect, though) and LDT = 1.3 V.


I now re-tested and 2705 still fails at before. It was really the 10 MHz less that made it stable dual-prime 48 hours. Raising the LDT volts did not improve anything.

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Guest Crusader

Several changes to LDT voltage and Chipset voltage did not do anything for me (except raising my temps). At the mo I have them on their default (lowest) values and it's all good. Sorry.

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[Copy-n-pasted from other thread]


I am experimenting with the LDT voltage on my Opteron 175 as we speak.


I had a 2705 MHz clock fail dual-prime after 20 hours. Raised LDT by 0.1 and was stable at 2695, other RAM, too but the RAM is not suspect.


Then I got back to 2705 with the raised LDT Volts and failed, so I concluded more LDT Volts don't do good.


However, then I lowered to 1.2 V and 2695 and failed there, too, and with 1.3 V LDT is not now dual-priming all night.


Very confusing. So while raising the LDT voltage did not get me the 10 freaggin MHz I wanted, it seems to be required for the 2695 MHz overclock.

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