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Drivers & Ocing

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Could someone tell me what the most stable, and best driver for an ATI Radeon 9700 is?


Also, could someone tell me what the best OverClocking utility for an ATI card is?




I just bought a PowerColor Evil Commando 2 9700 non-pro (got it for $200.00), and so far I love it. With my system @ default (non- OverClocked), and card @ default (non- OverClocked) it gets...


3dMark 2001 - 15400

3dMark 2003 - 4843


Runs all my games great!

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it seems to me that most people use redline. If you want you could PM shaggy and ask him. He oc'd his 9700 pro from 325 mhz to 405mhz. Huge OC. Also, Id jsut use the latest drivers from ati.

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