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Can't find screws in pci-e slot help

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Yes im new at this..

Ok i got all my stuff today and everything is going smooth, but when i put in the graphics card it wobbles.. the instructions on the lanparty nf4 ultra-d and asus 7800gtx installation say to remove the screw and bracket, i don't see a screw!! :confused: somebody please help me :cool:

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Guest thespin

I assume you are talking about the screw that holds the slot cover on. There are about six of them, one for each slot cover, along the back of your pc case. You had to remove the screw and the slot cover from your case before installing your cards, then reinstall the screw to hold your card in place ....

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i ordered everything and i recieved it today.

my case is a clear acryllic case, and i still dont understand what you're talking about.

in the nforce tutorail that angry_games posted it never mentions any screws. i have the whole thing on my desk next to this pos comp. i tried just putting the card in the slot like i thought he did, i have the 4 power cables in, the 1 stick of ram, and my cpu /w heatsink in. when i click on the power it only lights up led1 and led6. sorry if this is unclear and i really appriciate any assistance that you could offer. thanks again.


btw if you havnt noticed already i kinda suck at this, so please explain in detail :rolleyes:

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what he means is this, when you pulled the slot cover off the computer, the back of the computer, so you could install the card, if you look at the metal part of the card, the area towards the back of the computer, u will see a half oval or circle on the edge. There is a corresponding hole on the computer case. Much like screwing in a hard drive, that screw is there to hold the card in place.

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Well its very possible that your case didn't come with any thing to hold you're PCI/ PCI-E cards in place...


Please give us a link to your case.


If you actually got your video card in than you must not have any screws or little plastic clasps to keep it tight.


They arn't necessary anyway...just make sure you don't hit the case with a large object.

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