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New system problems - BSOD

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ExRoadie: What exactly were you pointing out in your link? My PSU has the 24-pin connector. I see that the recommended PSU is 480W, but would the 30W difference cause these problems? I found that my power supply has a split 12V rail: 12V1 max load: 15A and 12V2 max load: 17A.

If it doesn't meet the minimum recommendation then it isn't an appropriate PSU. Quite a few other forum members have replaced that exact PSU to resolve stability issues.


See here...


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When you say custom do you mean you designed it yourself including the PSU? If so, you made a mistake although it is unfortunate that Monarch did not inform you you PSU did not meet DFI's minimum requirements which was probably an exceptionally bad idea given the component load your putting on your PSU.


On the other hand, if you designed it with the help of Monarch and they are the ones who recommended or at least approved your PSU, I would recommend you contact them and inform them they have not properly designed your system. Ask them to replace it, if not for no charge, at least for the difference in the price of the PSU with one that meets the requirement.

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So I ran the HCI MemTest and here is what happened. When I ran the program, it says Windows limits the amount of RAM a single program can allocate and that I have to open two copies of MemTest and test half in each one. So, both were set to test 817MB. The first copy found 13 errors after 500%, the second copy found 0 errors after 2000%. I am going to bring this up with Monarch before I try to isolate the piece that has the errors.

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The board also requires 4 power connectors to be plugged in.

# 24pin ATX connector

# 4pin +12v connector, to the left of the 24pin ATX connector

# floppy power connector, under the CPU socket

# Hard drive power connector on top the chipset fan


Are they all plugged into the board?

Look at Angry's build guide for a picture.




What memory do you have?

This one?



or this one?


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