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H&R - The real pisser for me is that my system has been rock solid with the exact same hardware, bios, and settings for 5 months. Try to upgrade the video card drivers and get the 3-light mess. I'm willing to play around with it for a little while, but if I cant get this damn thing right, i'll tear it all down and go with the ASUS Mobo. The real pain is i got liquid cooling on the cpu and vids, and don't want to take that all apart. Shiiite

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H&R - The real pisser for me is that my system has been rock solid with the exact same hardware, bios, and settings for 5 months. Try to upgrade the video card drivers and get the 3-light mess. I'm willing to play around with it for a little while, but if I cant get this damn thing right, i'll tear it all down and go with the ASUS Mobo. The real pain is i got liquid cooling on the cpu and vids, and don't want to take that all apart. Shiiite


Go with "Asus Mobo" is all that sorted my frustrations out...


I swapped RAM between OCZ, Mushkin and GEIL, none would boot. Then I swapped CPU, still no boot. I removed one of my GFX cards, and swapped them around trying to alternate booting a couple of times with each one, and guess what...? No boot. I then swapped PSU with a couple, I used the Silverstone 650Watt, the Thermaltake 650 Watt and the Antec Neo 450 Watt. None of these booted. I'm really disapointed with the DFI board, and the RMA at the shop went through without question, which makes me think that it's not the first board they swapped out. I got the Asus A8N32 board now instead, and it works like a bomb... Why do we have to sturggle so much to get stuff to work...? No matter how far you can clock the board, it doesn;t make it worth this kind of cr4p!!!



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Hey duder! I got the same mess here! To take the entire water cooling apart was a mess but I got it done and I'm ready for my new ram! Regarding to ASUS! All I can say is NO!!! Don't do it! Don't understand me wrong but I had at least 4 ASUS boards before I went with DFI and for one you can't clock them for . and for second try to get some customer support from this company! ASUS is a joke on that level and we all know it! It usually takes them a few months to answer a simple question! Before you buy go to the ASUS forum and listen to the wining which is going on over there about the boards ASUS puts on the market. Since I learned how fast you can go with a DFI board I can't imagine I'll ever go back! Well, maybe the time teaches me something else! I'm already depressed now but I'm not giving up yet! And h4tch3tm4n sound like you are already a step ahead! You swapped all possible parts and still didn’t get it running! I'm scared now after I read your post! :confused:


Thanks Guys!

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ROCK ON! Ram in and I was able to boot up when still with some minor problems but I think with the right settings I’ll be back at the frontlines soon! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


My new RAM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...1me#DetailSpecs (OCZ6001024EEPE-K) Has anybody that ram? Any ideas for the perfect settings? :shake:

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Hey guys the euphoria about the new ram and me booting up ended today in the morning as I went to boot up again and needed around 50 tries. FU I thought! I e-mailed the guys fro OCZ and asked for a few BIOS settings for the ram! That’s what they came up with:


In Genie Bios




16 16






above VID 110%





DRAM Config







3 (might have to be 4 here)







1560 or 1816

auto (this setting is not in the 704-2BT bios)




Level 7 (Weak 4 in 704-2Bt bios)

level 2










Anybody wants to add anything to it or change please feel free to do it! I slowly giving up on that board and once again heading for RMA! :( :sad: :mad:

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try leaving your ram speed settings on auto. I assume your trying to tweak them before you even get your system stable. I would clear cmos, load optimized, save exit then reboot into bios and load what you need to boot WITHOUT touching genie. I see a lot of posts on this forum about boards not booting after a hardware change and that's why optimized defaults exists. Get the board running, then there are some tools to get those ram timings like Rightmark Memory Analyzer for one to see most of your spd's. In any event, to try and set ram timings before you even boot and get it stable is not the best thing to do.

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Hey, well I just upgraded yet again, from my DFI nf3 250B UT to an NF4 Ultra-D. I was having the SAME problems as the OP.


The system wouldn't post. As for the LEDs, as soon as I turned the system on, 4 would show, the 4th would flicker off real fast, the 3 others would still be on. Then I would get a audible BEEP. This beep lasts for 2 seconds, turns off for 2 seconds, and turns back on for 2 seconds in a continuous cycle over and over again. Well, until I turned the system off.


I consulted my book and found out what the LEDs mean. Okay, when all 4 are lit, then nothing has been tested. If the fourth goes out, then you got power needed to boot. If the third goes out, then your memory has been tested good. Since our 3rd LED didn't go out, this indicates a problem with the memory.


Now for me, the memory I KNOW runs fine from my previous system. So the problem turned out to be the slot for the memory. I had assumed, like normally, that the slot CLOSET to the CPU for memory was the slot to use. I WAS WRONG. On this board it's the slots furthest away from the CPU that start the memory banks. The moment I moved the memory, a single stick, to the furthest slot, bamm it posted. I still screwed up though because I moved the memory to the furthest slot which was the yellow slot. It should be in the furthest ORANGE slot from the CPU. Angry games posted this in his "build" of his system on the stickies. If you are installing the OS from scratch and the memory is in the furthest yellow slot, it will post but you'll get errors during the install. I was getting BSOD during install.


Remember, 3 LEDS still lit indicates an error associated with the memory test. This means either A) you have the memory in the wrong slot for booting, or B) the memory isn't getting the proper initial voltage, or C) the memory is bad. Chances of it being improper voltages are low and really only will be problematic with BH5 type memory. I have problems with my BH5 starting it in a new system due to the fact my stuff LOVES voltage and won't even post with a voltage lower then 2.8v. That's my BH5 though and since most BIOSs have the voltage for memory starting at 2.5 or 2.6, my BH5 can't boot a system. Which is why I have secondary "starter" memory for myself so I can go into the BIOS and change the voltage to 2.8 right away and get my BH5s to boot :)



Hopefully tonight, the rest of my install will go good since I just learned a few minutes ago after reading the stickied FAQ that the first slot is the furthest orange slot for the memory.


This is the EXACT same problem I am having and even posted my own thread a few days ago.



My problem started after I booted from a floppy and loaded the Hitachi Tools.

I enabled Spread Spectrum and since then have the exact same problems.

I tried the 24 hour clear method and nothing. I think the mobo is fubar



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