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Great..now Sata Doesnt Work


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alrighty..seeing as how ide an controller doesnt wanna work..i went with sata as the board orignially wanted


so i gto 2 sata to uata adapter..and BAM!!! no detection...wchich sucks monkey balls



help..im desperate..ill be the ###### of the forum..please help

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I know my board dident want to pick up my ata drive with the adapter on when i had a real sata drive in their.. I think their is some sort of conflict with it like that.. but I never had a problem with it in by itself....


and if thats all you are running is just 1 ata drive with the adapter.. I would just say screw it.. and run it on regular ide cuz the sata wont increase ur performance much at all..

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p4 2.8 @ 800


p4p800 dlx


1gb corasir pc 3200


2x 120gb 7200 ide....


in which my mobo wont even detect my reg hdds on reg ide...let alone a controller card..let alone sata adapter its . me off....nobody knows whats wrong and i returned the mobo once alearedy and my hdds work cause my other comp can detect it just fine

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