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dangit, dangit, dangit.....and after that.....dang that shush some more!


Well, let me just take this moment to say that Bill Gates is a retard. I knew I had to reinstall very soon, but I never thought tonight until Windows threw a bunch of BSOD's and Errors @ me.


Last night before I defraged I tryed to clear up some HD space by removing the address book. Well, OutLook Express running on my Win98se machine didn't like that. After I unstalled the Address Book when I tryed to launch OE I got a errors like "Can't load ?????.dll". After doing some research on the net, I found out that its a common problem. My question is why doesn't windows warn you that by removing address book you screw up OE!!!!


Your probably thinking "Why the hell didn't this jerky just uninstall/reinstall Outlook express?". Well.....I tried....but Windows didn't like it. Every file that I tryed to install got an error behind it. I can't launch OE at all. It did uninstall well though ;)


Well, after backing up for a few hours I think this is the moment of truth, it's time to reinstall everything, though I am not certain. My friend Adam is @ the beach until Wednesday and he has my Quake3 CD. So if I uninstall I am w/o Urban Terror for a few days.....and you wouldn't like me w/o my UT. (what the hell am I thinking they don't even like me now). :blink:


Sooooooo, if you don't hear from me in a couple days just picture me kicking and hollaring and screaming.....then smoking a big phatty and trying again. I hope everything goes well, which I know it won't.


When I do get it up and running then comes all the updating, tweaking, configing...........dangit all one more time!


Tell Bill Gates I said a heartless bastard for me will yah? Say a prayer for me :unsure::unsure::unsure:

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Oh yeah, another big reason why I am reinstalling is because my little mishaps have also affected Internet Explorer.


SOME, but not all, webpages freeze up when I try to access them. This page works fine, but take E-Bay for example....my computer freezes before I can even see the front page.


Word of advice, leave Address Book alone :).

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Eh think of it this way.. you install fresh now.. you wont have to for another 3 months.. better sooner then later.. something might come up later...


Good Luck sir..


If you need any assistance.. get on here wiht a nother comp.. and we will help j00r butt out!

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I knew it!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone knew it!!!!!!!!!!! Theres always a problem!!! WINDOWS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Well, at least I am able to get on the internet now. BUT I GOT NO SOUND! I went to Intel's page for my d815eea2 MoBo and downloaded their latest Sound Max 3.0 Drivers and crap. The install goes great and everything works fine. When the CPU restarts you don't see ANY errors. But when I noticed I didn't have ANY sound I clicked on the Sound Max 3.0 icon.....and I get some error that says "You screwed up by buying a product from Bill Gates" ;) - actually it says "An error occurrred while Windows was working with the Control Panel file C:\Windows\system\smax3cp.cpl". The file is in the directory, and appears to be fine.


I have no idea what to do, I tryed installing the "basic" drivers for Sound Max off the Intel page, but I still get the same error. I have all my windows updates, and all the rest of the drivers installed great. I have my video screaming and my internet up, I just can't get any freaking sound!!!!!!!! It's intergrated sound, which sux anywayz. So if I can't get this rat bastard to work I'm just going to buy a sound card instead of reinstalling AGAIN! (I have reinstalled about 4 times in the last 24hours).


I also noticed I now have 2 SoundMax 3.0 icons in my control panel that I can't delete. When I right click, the delete option doesnt show, and when I click on the delete icon in explorer nothing happens.....but when I try to click the icon I get a "registry entry corrupted" or something like that. I can probably take care of that w/ a registry cleaner, but still.....MICROSOFT SUX!

Seriously....I just lost what little respect I had for Windows. I gaurntee you when I install RH-Linux 7.3 next week, its going to go right! I bet its going to install like its supposed to, and I'll have it up and running in 15 minutes! NOT WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Any suggestions on how to get this SoundMax junk working? I guess thats the only thing that has gone wrong. I still notice a FEW icons that are purplish and discolored...but not as bad as before I reinstalled. Do you think maybe my GeForce3 is slipping away?


My birthday is coming up on the 28th.....and all I want is to be in a steal cage w/ Bill Gates for 10 minutes. Thats all I need.....10 minutes!!! Well....and maybe a sugeons kit - sandpaper - salt - and a version of Linux running on a Mac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Ps - WINDOWS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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