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Win Xp Update


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I have Win XP Pro and every day, I have to update my computer...except it's always the same release. I don't remember the number, but it's the June Cumulative (spelling?) path for IE6 i think. It's aggrivating me incredibly and I was wondering if ANYONE else has had the problem of having to reinstall this patch all the time.


any suggestions would be great.

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see that's where i think i messed up...at one point i went in and uninstalled it, because i found a lot of things on there like newdotnet and other GAIN supported things (i hate GAIN more than anything, except the spice girls...i hate them the most....except for maybe nsuck and backdoor boys..yeah their the worst)


so i unstalled it, and then i realized that it was legit and installed it again, and have had to do that repeatidly (but yes i've tried to uninstall and then install again)


thanks though

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